dyung added a comment.

In D119207#3330494 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D119207#3330494>, @shangwuyao 

> In D119207#3330385 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D119207#3330385>, @dyung wrote:
>> Hi, the test you added is failing on the PS4 Linux bot, can you take a look?
>> https://lab.llvm.org/buildbot/#/builders/139/builds/17199
> Looks like the compiled SPIR-V is slightly different for different build 
> settings, for `llvm-clang-x86_64-sie-ubuntu-fast`, it is compiled to
>   define hidden spir_kernel void @_Z6kernelPi(i32 addrspace(1)* noundef 
> %output.coerce) #0 { 
> so it is missing that extra `hidden` keyword. 
> And for `clang-ve-ninja`, it is compiled to
>   define spir_kernel void @_Z6kernelPi(i32 addrspace(1)* noundef %0) #0 { 
> so the kernel argument identifier is slightly different (`%0` vs 
> `%output.coerce`).
> I could fix that, I wonder why it didn't trigger the same issue (for the 
> `hidden` keyword) with this test 
> <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/main/clang/test/CodeGenCUDASPIRV/kernel-cc.cu#L1-L9>
>  tho, it is basically the same.
> And why does those build test run only after merging? For future reference, 
> can I try to run those myself before submitting?

These are build bots that run builds when new commits are detected. That's how 
they work. There is some pre-commit testing, but I'm not sure how that works 

You can run these builds yourself before submitting, just extract the cmake 
command from the job and then run the build/test the normal way. If you need 
help reproducing a bot failure, an email to the bot owner can help you if you 
have trouble reproducing a failure.

> For this change, should we do a rollback and then re-land it after applying 
> the fix?

If you can fix it soon, a quick fix is fine. If you need time to investigate, a 
revert would be best until you can fix it so that the bot does not keep failing.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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