kbobyrev added a comment.

Hi! I'm glad you're excited about IncludeCleaner and having a tool to try it 
out seems like a cool idea!

> I'm not sure why include-cleaner wasn't integrated in clang-tidy, but I 
> suspect there's a good reason.

The problem with IncludeCleaner as of right now is that it depends on some 
clangd internals. I've started reducing the dependency recently but there's 
still some way to go before it can really be used in Clang-Tidy or in external 
tooling. Detaching the most important primitives from clangd is also some work 
that is often orthogonal to just getting the feature done but I would agree 
that it is a good idea and a promising venue for future implementation efforts.

Here's what I did so far:


Apart from what I've mentioned, Clang-Tidy and clangd have different 
performance trade-offs and policies. In clangd we need to make everything 
really fast to keep the editor responsive; in Clang-Tidy we can allow expensive 
checks and disable them by default/provide guidance on how to do large-scale 
analysis. It's most likely possible to keep a large chunk of the implementation 
common and implement adapters for both clangd and Clang-Tidy, each of which 
will target the specific use-case; but that would require some thought, design 
and effort on making existing infrastructure commonly available (most likely 
under `clang/Tooling` where I moved `stdlib` handlers).

I've seen the discussion you have started 
(https://discourse.llvm.org/t/include-what-you-use-include-cleanup/5831). I'd 
like to read it thorough-fully and reply but I don't think that would happen 
until next week (at the earliest).

I left some comments but it's really a quasi-review, not a real one. 
Unfortunately, I'm mostly not working over the last three weeks for personal 
reasons, so I'm not as useful or up-to-date as I would usually be. @sammccall 
is a great person to talk to about these changes until I'm back but I'm 
expecting to start doing _some_ work reasonably soon and getting back to your 
discussion and this patch is one of the first things I'd like to do.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/CMakeLists.txt:183
I think it would be better to just put it into `tool/`.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/include-cleaner/CMakeLists.txt:6
+  support
+  )

Comment at: 
+#include "ClangdServer.h"
+#include "support/Logger.h"
Please use the LLVM style heading and explain what this file & tooling is about.

Comment at: 
+struct report {
+  PathRef File;
nit: naming should be `Report`; Clang-Tidy should catch this.

Comment at: 
+  PathRef File;
+  void operator()(llvm::Expected<std::vector<const Inclusion *>> C) {
+    if (C) {
nit: here and elsewhere there are one-to-three letter variable names and it's 
hard to read the code without going to the definition; it should probably be 
documented and expanded for clarity.

Comment at: 
+        return;
+      llvm::errs() << "Found " << Added.size() << " unused include"
+                   << (Added.size() == 1 ? " " : "s ") << "in: " << File
Nit: I had a similar tool and it printed both used and unused includes which I 
found rather useful; maybe it would be good to include/add an option to report 
both for clarity.

You don't have to do this but maybe add a FIXME/mention it somewhere.

Comment at: 
+class NullLogger : public Logger {
+  void log(Level, const char *Fmt,
This seems to be unused.

Comment at: 
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+  if (argc < 2) {
+    llvm::errs()
Normally, we don't use plain `argc` and `argv`. LLVM has a nice [[ 
https://llvm.org/docs/CommandLine.html | Command Line library ]] (`llvm::cl`), 
please use it instead. It provides a nice abstraction over the primitives and 
offers useful diagnostics.

Also, please provide a useful `--help` message through this library, this will 
be super nice for those without access to sources.

Comment at: 
+  return 0;
nit: `return 0;` at the end of `int main()` isn't necessary in C++

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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