hokein added a comment.

Sorry, I thought this crash is fixed as a bonus effort by improving the AST for 
reference-type var-decl.

Beyond the crash cased by the dependent-type `RecoveryExpr` built in 
`Sema::BuildDeclarationNameExpr`, I think there is another issue which is worth 
fixing: whether we should mark the reference-type var-decl valid if it doesn't 
have an initializer (either the initializer is not provided in the source code 
or too broken to preserve). The current AST behavior is inconsistent:

  int &a; // var-decl a is invalid without an initializer
  int &b = undefine[1111]; // var-decl b is valid without an initializer
  int &c = undefine; // var-decl c is valid with a recovery-expr initializer

From the AST point of view, there is no difference between `a` and `b`, they 
both don't have an initializer, but their valid bits are different. IMO marking 
b invalid is an improvement, the valid bit is consistent for refer-type 
var-decls without initializers; it avoids the bogus `requires an initializer` 
diagnostic during template instantiations; as a bonus, it seems to "fix" the 
crash (at least for the original testcase).

Another option would be to mark `a` valid regardless of the initializer. Pros: 
preserve more AST nodes for `a`; the valid bit are consistent among three 
cases. Cons: unknown? whether it'll break some subtle invariants in clang; the 
bogus `requires an initializer` diagnostic is still there.

But yeah, this is a separate issue, we should fix the crash first.

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/TreeTransform.h:14708
   } else if (Op == OO_Arrow) {
+    if (First->getType()->isDependentType())
+      return ExprError();
I'm not sure this is the only place triggering the crash, it looks like that 
we're fixing a symptom.

While here, `First` refers to a dependent-type `RecoveryExpr` (which is built 
from the code path: `TransformDeclRefExpr` -> `RebuildDeclRefExpr`-> 
`Sema::BuildDeclarationNameExpr`). So I think we have a high chance that the 
`RecoveryExpr` will spread multiple places in the `TreeTransform` and cause 
similar violations in other places.

A safe fix will be to not build the `RecoveryExpr` in 
`TreeTransform::TransformDeclRefExpr` -- `Sema::BuildDeclarationNameExpr` has a 
`AcceptInvalidDecl` parameter (by default it is false), we could reuse it to 
control whether we should build a `RecoveryExpr`.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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