whisperity added a comment.

Just one question if you could try this out for me: what happens if you run 
`clang-tidy a.c b.c` (two TUs in the invocation) where **one of them** 
(preferably the later one, i.e. **`b.c`**) does //NOT// have Annex K enabled? I 
believe the cached `IsAnnexKAvailable` (like any other TU-specific state of the 
check instance) should be invalidated/cleared in an overridden `void 
onStartTranslationUnit()` function.

Also, what happens if the check is run for C++ code?

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/bugprone/BugproneTidyModule.cpp:208-214
+  ClangTidyOptions getModuleOptions() override {
+    ClangTidyOptions Options;
+    auto &Opts = Options.CheckOptions;
+    Opts["bugprone-unsafe-functions.ReportMoreUnsafeFunctions"] = "true";
+    return Options;
+  }
What is the reason for this being a //module// option, when the name of the 
option looks like a //check// option? Did something change and the API requires 
this now? If you do `Options.get("ReportMoreUnsafeFunctions", true)` it will 
automatically work and use this default option. You also overridden the 
`storeOptions()` function properly by the looks of it, so there should be no 
reason for this change.

Comment at: 
+  if (!getLangOpts().C11) {
+    // Caching the result.
(And you can remove all the other `// Caching the result` comments.

Comment at: 
+  Optional<StringRef> AnnexKReplacementFunction =
+      useSafeFunctionsFromAnnexK()
+          ? StringSwitch<Optional<StringRef>>(FunctionName)
+                .Cases("asctime", "asctime_r", 
+                .Case("gets", Optional<StringRef>{"gets_s"})
+                .Default(None)
+          : None;
Instead of wrapping the `StringRef` into an `Optional`, couldn't we achieve the 
same with the empty string(ref)... signalling the fact that there is no 

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/bugprone/UnsafeFunctionsCheck.h:21
+/// deprecated or missing bounds checking. For the listed functions a
+/// replacement function is suggested. The checker heavily relies on the
+/// functions from Annex K (Bounds-checking interfaces) of C11.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/bugprone/UnsafeFunctionsCheck.h:47
+  // Checker option.
+  const bool ReportMoreUnsafeFunctions;
(Superfluous comment.)

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst:125
+  deprecated or missing bounds checking. For the listed functions a
+  replacement function is suggested. The checker heavily relies on the
+  functions from Annex K (Bounds-checking interfaces) of C11.

Comment at: 
+deprecated or missing bounds checking. For the listed functions a
+replacement function is suggested. The checker heavily relies on the
+functions from Annex K (Bounds-checking interfaces) of C11.

Comment at: 
+    strcpy(buf, prefix); // warning: function 'strcpy' is not bounds-checking; 
'strcpy_s' should be used instead.
+    strcat(buf, msg); // warning: function 'strcat' is not bounds-checking; 
'strcat_s' should be used instead.
+    strcat(buf, suffix); // warning: function 'strcat' is not bounds-checking; 
'strcat_s' should be used instead.
(Visual nit.)



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