sfantao created this revision.
sfantao added reviewers: echristo, tra, jlebar, hfinkel, ABataev, rsmith.
sfantao added subscribers: carlo.bertolli, arpith-jacob, caomhin, 
andreybokhanko, Hahnfeld, cfe-commits.
Herald added a subscriber: mehdi_amini.

This creates a tool selector in the driver that replaces the existing one. The 
goal is to better organize the code and make the selector easier to scale, in 
particular in the presence of offload actions that can be collapsed. 

The current implementation became more confusing when the support for 
offloading actions was added. This concern was expressed by Eric in 

This patch does not add new testing, it preserves the existing functionality.



Index: lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
--- lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
+++ lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
@@ -2330,142 +2330,294 @@
-// Collapse an offloading action looking for a job of the given type. The input
-// action is changed to the input of the collapsed sequence. If we effectively
-// had a collapse return the corresponding offloading action, otherwise return
-// null.
-template <typename T>
-static OffloadAction *collapseOffloadingAction(Action *&CurAction) {
-  if (!CurAction)
-    return nullptr;
-  if (auto *OA = dyn_cast<OffloadAction>(CurAction)) {
-    if (OA->hasHostDependence())
-      if (auto *HDep = dyn_cast<T>(OA->getHostDependence())) {
-        CurAction = HDep;
-        return OA;
-      }
-    if (OA->hasSingleDeviceDependence())
-      if (auto *DDep = dyn_cast<T>(OA->getSingleDeviceDependence())) {
-        CurAction = DDep;
-        return OA;
+namespace {
+/// \brief Utility class to control the collapse of dependent actions and select
+/// the tools accordingly.
+class ToolSelector final {
+  /// \brief The tool chain this selector refers to.
+  const ToolChain &TC;
+  /// \brief The compilation this selector refers to.
+  const Compilation &C;
+  /// \brief The base action this selector refers to.
+  const JobAction *BaseAction;
+  /// \brief Set to true if the current toolchain refers to host actions.
+  bool IsHostSelector;
+  /// \brief Set to true if save-temps and embed-bitcode functionalities are
+  /// active.
+  bool SaveTemps;
+  bool EmbedBitcode;
+  /// \brief Get dependence action or null if that does not exist. If \a
+  /// CanBeCollapsed is false, that action must be legal to collapse or null
+  /// will be returned.
+  const JobAction *getDependenceAction(const ActionList &Inputs,
+                                       ActionList &SavedOffloadAction,
+                                       bool CanBeCollapsed = true) {
+    // An option can be collapsed only if it has a single input.
+    if (Inputs.size() != 1)
+      return nullptr;
+    Action *CurAction = *Inputs.begin();
+    if (!CurAction->isCollapsingWithDependingActionLegal() && CanBeCollapsed)
+      return nullptr;
+    // If the input action is an offload action. Look through it and save any
+    // offload action that can be dropped in the event of a collapse.
+    if (auto *OA = dyn_cast<OffloadAction>(CurAction)) {
+      // If the depending action is a device action, we will attempt to collapse
+      // only with other device actions. Otherwise, we would do the same but
+      // with host actions only.
+      if (!IsHostSelector) {
+        if (OA->hasSingleDeviceDependence(/*DoNotConsiderHostActions=*/true)) {
+          CurAction =
+              OA->getSingleDeviceDependence(/*DoNotConsiderHostActions=*/true);
+          if (!CurAction->isCollapsingWithDependingActionLegal() &&
+              CanBeCollapsed)
+            return nullptr;
+          SavedOffloadAction.push_back(OA);
+          return dyn_cast<JobAction>(CurAction);
+        }
+      } else if (OA->hasHostDependence()) {
+        CurAction = OA->getHostDependence();
+        if (!CurAction->isCollapsingWithDependingActionLegal() &&
+            CanBeCollapsed)
+          return nullptr;
+        SavedOffloadAction.push_back(OA);
+        return dyn_cast<JobAction>(CurAction);
+      return nullptr;
+    }
+    return dyn_cast<JobAction>(CurAction);
-  return nullptr;
-// Returns a Tool for a given JobAction.  In case the action and its
-// predecessors can be combined, updates Inputs with the inputs of the
-// first combined action. If one of the collapsed actions is a
-// CudaHostAction, updates CollapsedCHA with the pointer to it so the
-// caller can deal with extra handling such action requires.
-static const Tool *selectToolForJob(Compilation &C, bool SaveTemps,
-                                    bool EmbedBitcode, const ToolChain *TC,
-                                    const JobAction *JA,
-                                    const ActionList *&Inputs,
-                                    ActionList &CollapsedOffloadAction) {
-  const Tool *ToolForJob = nullptr;
-  CollapsedOffloadAction.clear();
-  // See if we should look for a compiler with an integrated assembler. We match
-  // bottom up, so what we are actually looking for is an assembler job with a
-  // compiler input.
-  // Look through offload actions between assembler and backend actions.
-  Action *BackendJA = (isa<AssembleJobAction>(JA) && Inputs->size() == 1)
-                          ? *Inputs->begin()
-                          : nullptr;
-  auto *BackendOA = collapseOffloadingAction<BackendJobAction>(BackendJA);
-  if (TC->useIntegratedAs() && !SaveTemps &&
-      !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_via_file_asm) &&
-      !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__SLASH_FA) &&
-      !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__SLASH_Fa) && BackendJA &&
-      isa<BackendJobAction>(BackendJA)) {
-    // A BackendJob is always preceded by a CompileJob, and without -save-temps
-    // or -fembed-bitcode, they will always get combined together, so instead of
-    // checking the backend tool, check if the tool for the CompileJob has an
-    // integrated assembler. For -fembed-bitcode, CompileJob is still used to
-    // look up tools for BackendJob, but they need to match before we can split
-    // them.
-    // Look through offload actions between backend and compile actions.
-    Action *CompileJA = *BackendJA->getInputs().begin();
-    auto *CompileOA = collapseOffloadingAction<CompileJobAction>(CompileJA);
-    assert(CompileJA && isa<CompileJobAction>(CompileJA) &&
-           "Backend job is not preceeded by compile job.");
-    const Tool *Compiler = TC->SelectTool(*cast<CompileJobAction>(CompileJA));
-    if (!Compiler)
+  /// \brief Return true if an assemble action can be collapsed.
+  bool canCollapseAssembleAction() {
+    return TC.useIntegratedAs() && !SaveTemps &&
+           !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_via_file_asm) &&
+           !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__SLASH_FA) &&
+           !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__SLASH_Fa);
+  }
+  /// \brief Return true if a preprocessor action can be collapsed.
+  bool canCollapsePreprocessorAction() {
+    return !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_no_integrated_cpp) &&
+           !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_traditional_cpp) && !SaveTemps &&
+           !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_rewrite_objc);
+  }
+  /// \brief Struct that relates an action with the offload actions that would
+  /// be collapsed with it.
+  struct JobActionInfoTy {
+    // \brief The action this info refers to.
+    const JobAction *JA;
+    // \brief The offload actions we need to take care off if this action is
+    // collapsed.
+    ActionList SavedOffloadAction;
+  };
+  /// \brief Append collapsed offload actions from the give nnumber of elements
+  /// in the action info array.
+  void appendCollapsedOffloadAction(ActionList &CollapsedOffloadAction,
+                                    ArrayRef<JobActionInfoTy> &ActionInfo,
+                                    unsigned ElementNum) {
+    assert(ElementNum <= ActionInfo.size() && "Invalid number of elements.");
+    for (unsigned I = 0; I < ElementNum; ++I)
+      CollapsedOffloadAction.append(ActionInfo[I].SavedOffloadAction.begin(),
+                                    ActionInfo[I].SavedOffloadAction.end());
+  }
+  /// \brief Functions that attempt to perform the combining. They detect if
+  /// that is legal, and if so they update the inputs \a Inputs and the offload
+  /// action that were collapsed in \a CollapsedOffloadAction. A tool that deals
+  /// with the combined action is returned. If the combining is not legal or if
+  /// the tool does not exist, null is returned.
+  /// Currently three kinds of collapsing are supported:
+  ///  - Assemble + Backend + Compile;
+  ///  - Assemble + Backend ;
+  ///  - Backend + Compile.
+  const Tool *
+  attemptCombineAssembleBackendCompile(ArrayRef<JobActionInfoTy> ActionInfo,
+                                       const ActionList *&Inputs,
+                                       ActionList &CollapsedOffloadAction) {
+    if (ActionInfo.size() < 3 || !canCollapseAssembleAction())
       return nullptr;
+    auto *AJ = dyn_cast<AssembleJobAction>(ActionInfo[0].JA);
+    auto *BJ = dyn_cast<BackendJobAction>(ActionInfo[1].JA);
+    auto *CJ = dyn_cast<CompileJobAction>(ActionInfo[2].JA);
+    if (!AJ || !BJ || !CJ)
+      return nullptr;
+    // Get compiler tool.
+    const Tool *T = TC.SelectTool(*CJ);
+    if (!T)
+      return nullptr;
     // When using -fembed-bitcode, it is required to have the same tool (clang)
     // for both CompilerJA and BackendJA. Otherwise, combine two stages.
     if (EmbedBitcode) {
-      JobAction *InputJA = cast<JobAction>(*Inputs->begin());
-      const Tool *BackendTool = TC->SelectTool(*InputJA);
-      if (BackendTool == Compiler)
-        CompileJA = InputJA;
-    }
-    if (Compiler->hasIntegratedAssembler()) {
-      Inputs = &CompileJA->getInputs();
-      ToolForJob = Compiler;
-      // Save the collapsed offload actions because they may still contain
-      // device actions.
-      if (CompileOA)
-        CollapsedOffloadAction.push_back(CompileOA);
-      if (BackendOA)
-        CollapsedOffloadAction.push_back(BackendOA);
-    }
-  }
-  // A backend job should always be combined with the preceding compile job
-  // unless OPT_save_temps or OPT_fembed_bitcode is enabled and the compiler is
-  // capable of emitting LLVM IR as an intermediate output.
-  if (isa<BackendJobAction>(JA)) {
-    // Check if the compiler supports emitting LLVM IR.
-    assert(Inputs->size() == 1);
-    // Look through offload actions between backend and compile actions.
-    Action *CompileJA = *JA->getInputs().begin();
-    auto *CompileOA = collapseOffloadingAction<CompileJobAction>(CompileJA);
-    assert(CompileJA && isa<CompileJobAction>(CompileJA) &&
-           "Backend job is not preceeded by compile job.");
-    const Tool *Compiler = TC->SelectTool(*cast<CompileJobAction>(CompileJA));
-    if (!Compiler)
+      const Tool *BT = TC.SelectTool(*BJ);
+      if (BT == T)
+        return nullptr;
+    }
+    if (!T->hasIntegratedAssembler())
       return nullptr;
-    if (!Compiler->canEmitIR() ||
-        (!SaveTemps && !EmbedBitcode)) {
-      Inputs = &CompileJA->getInputs();
-      ToolForJob = Compiler;
-      if (CompileOA)
-        CollapsedOffloadAction.push_back(CompileOA);
-    }
+    Inputs = &CJ->getInputs();
+    appendCollapsedOffloadAction(CollapsedOffloadAction, ActionInfo,
+                                 /*NumElements=*/3);
+    return T;
+  }
+  const Tool *
+  attemptCombineAssembleBackend(ArrayRef<JobActionInfoTy> ActionInfo,
+                                const ActionList *&Inputs,
+                                ActionList &CollapsedOffloadAction) {
+    if (ActionInfo.size() < 2 || !canCollapseAssembleAction())
+      return nullptr;
+    auto *AJ = dyn_cast<AssembleJobAction>(ActionInfo[0].JA);
+    auto *BJ = dyn_cast<BackendJobAction>(ActionInfo[1].JA);
+    if (!AJ || !BJ)
+      return nullptr;
+    // Retrieve the compile job, backend action must always be preceded by one.
+    ActionList CompileJobOffloadActions;
+    auto *CJ = getDependenceAction(BJ->getInputs(), CompileJobOffloadActions,
+                                   /*CanBeCollapsed=*/false);
+    if (!AJ || !BJ || !CJ)
+      return nullptr;
+    assert(isa<CompileJobAction>(CJ) &&
+           "Expecting compile job preceding backend job.");
+    // Get compiler tool.
+    const Tool *T = TC.SelectTool(*CJ);
+    if (!T)
+      return nullptr;
+    if (!T->hasIntegratedAssembler())
+      return nullptr;
+    Inputs = &BJ->getInputs();
+    appendCollapsedOffloadAction(CollapsedOffloadAction, ActionInfo,
+                                 /*NumElements=*/2);
+    return T;
+  const Tool *attemptCombineBackendCompile(ArrayRef<JobActionInfoTy> ActionInfo,
+                                           const ActionList *&Inputs,
+                                           ActionList &CollapsedOffloadAction) {
+    if (ActionInfo.size() < 2 || !canCollapsePreprocessorAction())
+      return nullptr;
+    auto *BJ = dyn_cast<BackendJobAction>(ActionInfo[0].JA);
+    auto *CJ = dyn_cast<CompileJobAction>(ActionInfo[1].JA);
+    if (!BJ || !CJ)
+      return nullptr;
-  // Otherwise use the tool for the current job.
-  if (!ToolForJob)
-    ToolForJob = TC->SelectTool(*JA);
+    // Get compiler tool.
+    const Tool *T = TC.SelectTool(*CJ);
+    if (!T)
+      return nullptr;
+    if (T->canEmitIR() && (SaveTemps || EmbedBitcode))
+      return nullptr;
+    Inputs = &CJ->getInputs();
+    appendCollapsedOffloadAction(CollapsedOffloadAction, ActionInfo,
+                                 /*NumElements=*/2);
+    return T;
+  }
-  // See if we should use an integrated preprocessor. We do so when we have
-  // exactly one input, since this is the only use case we care about
-  // (irrelevant since we don't support combine yet).
+  /// \brief Updates the inputs if the obtained tool supports combining with
+  /// preprocessor action, and the current input is indeed a preprocessor
+  /// action. If combining results in the collapse of offloading actions, those
+  /// are appended to \a CollapsedOffloadAction.
+  void attemptCombineWithPreprocess(const Tool *T, const ActionList *&Inputs,
+                                    ActionList &CollapsedOffloadAction) {
+    if (!T || !canCollapsePreprocessorAction() || !T->hasIntegratedCPP())
+      return;
-  // Look through offload actions after preprocessing.
-  Action *PreprocessJA = (Inputs->size() == 1) ? *Inputs->begin() : nullptr;
-  auto *PreprocessOA =
-      collapseOffloadingAction<PreprocessJobAction>(PreprocessJA);
+    // Attempt to get a preprocessor action dependence.
+    ActionList PreprocessJobOffloadActions;
+    auto *PJ = getDependenceAction(*Inputs, PreprocessJobOffloadActions);
+    if (!PJ || !isa<PreprocessJobAction>(PJ))
+      return;
-  if (PreprocessJA && isa<PreprocessJobAction>(PreprocessJA) &&
-      !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_no_integrated_cpp) &&
-      !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_traditional_cpp) && !SaveTemps &&
-      !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_rewrite_objc) &&
-      ToolForJob->hasIntegratedCPP()) {
-    Inputs = &PreprocessJA->getInputs();
-    if (PreprocessOA)
-      CollapsedOffloadAction.push_back(PreprocessOA);
+    // This is legal to combine. Append any offload action we found and set the
+    // current inputs to preprocessor inputs.
+    CollapsedOffloadAction.append(PreprocessJobOffloadActions.begin(),
+                                  PreprocessJobOffloadActions.end());
+    Inputs = &PJ->getInputs();
-  return ToolForJob;
+  ToolSelector(const JobAction *BaseAction, const ToolChain &TC,
+               const Compilation &C, bool SaveTemps, bool EmbedBitcode)
+      : TC(TC), C(C), BaseAction(BaseAction), SaveTemps(SaveTemps),
+        EmbedBitcode(EmbedBitcode) {
+    assert(BaseAction && "Invalid base action.");
+    IsHostSelector = BaseAction->getOffloadingDeviceKind() == Action::OFK_None;
+  }
+  /// \brief Check if a chain of action can be combined and return the tool that
+  /// can handle the combination of actions. The pointer to the current inputs
+  /// \a Inputs and the list of offload actions \a CollapsedOffloadActions
+  /// connected to collapsed actions are updated accordingly. The latter enables
+  /// the caller of the selector to process them afterwards instead of just
+  /// dropping them. If no suitable tool is found, null will be returned.
+  const Tool *getTool(const ActionList *&Inputs,
+                      ActionList &CollapsedOffloadAction) {
+    //
+    // Get the largest chain of actions that we could combine.
+    //
+    SmallVector<JobActionInfoTy, 5> ActionChain(1);
+    ActionChain.back().JA = BaseAction;
+    while (ActionChain.back().JA) {
+      const Action *CurAction = ActionChain.back().JA;
+      // Grow the chain by one element.
+      ActionChain.resize(ActionChain.size() + 1);
+      JobActionInfoTy &AI = ActionChain.back();
+      // Attempt to fill it with the
+      AI.JA =
+          getDependenceAction(CurAction->getInputs(), AI.SavedOffloadAction);
+    }
+    // Pop the last action info as it could not be filled.
+    ActionChain.pop_back();
+    //
+    // Attempt to combine actions. If all combining attempts failed, just return
+    // the tool of the provided action. At the end we attempt to combine the
+    // action with any preprocessor action it may depend on.
+    //
+    const Tool *T = nullptr;
+    if (!T)
+      T = attemptCombineAssembleBackendCompile(ActionChain, Inputs,
+                                               CollapsedOffloadAction);
+    if (!T)
+      T = attemptCombineAssembleBackend(ActionChain, Inputs,
+                                        CollapsedOffloadAction);
+    if (!T)
+      T = attemptCombineBackendCompile(ActionChain, Inputs,
+                                       CollapsedOffloadAction);
+    if (!T) {
+      Inputs = &BaseAction->getInputs();
+      T = TC.SelectTool(*BaseAction);
+    }
+    attemptCombineWithPreprocess(T, Inputs, CollapsedOffloadAction);
+    return T;
+  }
 InputInfo Driver::BuildJobsForAction(
@@ -2591,9 +2743,9 @@
   const JobAction *JA = cast<JobAction>(A);
   ActionList CollapsedOffloadActions;
-  const Tool *T =
-      selectToolForJob(C, isSaveTempsEnabled(), embedBitcodeEnabled(), TC, JA,
-                       Inputs, CollapsedOffloadActions);
+  ToolSelector TS(JA, *TC, C, isSaveTempsEnabled(), embedBitcodeEnabled());
+  const Tool *T = TS.getTool(Inputs, CollapsedOffloadActions);
   if (!T)
     return InputInfo();
Index: include/clang/Driver/Action.h
--- include/clang/Driver/Action.h
+++ include/clang/Driver/Action.h
@@ -91,6 +91,12 @@
   ActionList Inputs;
+  /// \brief Flag that is set to true if this action can be collapsed with
+  /// others actions that depend on it. This is true by default and set to false
+  ///  when the action is used by two different tool chains, which is enabled by
+  /// the offloading support implementation.
+  bool CanBeCollapsedWithDependingAction = true;
   /// Offload information.
   /// \brief Multiple programming models may be supported simultaneously by the
@@ -132,6 +138,15 @@
     return input_const_range(input_begin(), input_end());
+  /// \brief Mark this action as not legal to collapse.
+  void setCannotBeCollapsedWithDependingAction() {
+    CanBeCollapsedWithDependingAction = false;
+  }
+  /// \brief Return true if this function can be collapsed with others.
+  bool isCollapsingWithDependingActionLegal() const {
+    return CanBeCollapsedWithDependingAction;
+  }
   /// \brief Return a string containing the offload kind of the action.
   std::string getOffloadingKindPrefix() const;
   /// \brief Return a string that can be used as prefix in order to generate
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