whisperity added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/misc/DiscardedReturnValueCheck.cpp:181
+  static const auto Decltype = decltypeType(hasUnderlyingExpr(Call));
+  static const auto TemplateArg =
whisperity wrote:
> whisperity wrote:
> > aaron.ballman wrote:
> > > So, I'm not super keen on this approach of having to try to identify 
> > > every single place in which an expression is considered to be "used" -- 
> > > this is going to be fragile because we'll miss places and it's going to 
> > > be a maintenance burden because new places will be added as the languages 
> > > evolve.
> > > 
> > > For example, if we're handling `decltype` as a use, why not `noexcept`? 
> > > Or conditional `explicit`? What about a `co_return` statement?
> > > 
> > > I'm not certain what we can do to improve this, but I think it's worth 
> > > trying to explore options to see if we can generalize what constitutes a 
> > > use so that we can write a few custom matchers to do the heavy lifting 
> > > instead of trying to play whack-a-mole.
> > I've been having other thoughts about this `decltype` here... Actually, 
> > neither `decltype` nor `noexcept` should be handled as a //"use"// at all, 
> > while `co_return` should be the same as a `return` -- however, I think it 
> > was due to lack of projects where such could be meaningfully measured as a 
> > missed case was why implementing that failed.
> > 
> > For `decltype`, `typedef`, and `noexcept` (and perhaps several others), the 
> > good solution would be having a third route: calls that //should not be 
> > counted//. Neither as a "consumed call", nor as a "bare call". Ignored, 
> > from both calculations. Maybe even for template arguments below.
> As for better matching... Unfortunately, types in the AST are so varied and 
> `hasDescendant` is too generic to express something like 
> `stmt(anyOf(ifStmt(), forStmt(), switchStmt()), hasDescendant(Call))` to 
> express in a single expression matching uses... The conditions are not always 
> direct children of the outer node, while `hasDescendant` will match not just 
> the condition but the entire tree... resulting in things like //both// 
> functions in
> ```lang=cpp
> if (foo())
>   bar()
> ```
> matching.
> Well... generalisation... I can throw in a formal fluke:
> > A **use** is a //context// for a specific `CallExpr C` in which we can 
> > reasonably assume that the value produced by evaluating `C` is loaded by 
> > another expression.
> Now what I found is `-Wunused-result`, aka 
> `SemaDiagnostics::warn_unused_expr`, which is triggered in the function 
> `ExprResult Sema::ActOnFinishFullExpr(Expr* FE, SourceLocation CC, bool 
> DiscardedValue, bool IsConstexpr);`. Now this function itself does //some// 
> heuristics inside (with a **lot** of `FIXME`s as of 
> rGdab5e10ea5dbc2e6314e0e7ce54a9c51fbcb44bd), but notably, `DiscardedValue` is 
> a parameter. According to a quick search, this function (and its overloads) 
> have **82** callsites within `Sema`, with many of them just tougher to 
> decipher than others. Some of the other ways this function is called, e.g. 
> `ActOnStmtExprResult`, have codes like this:
> ```lang=cpp
> IsStmtExprResult = GetLookAheadToken(LookAhead).is(tok::r_brace) && 
> GetLookAheadToken(LookAhead + 1).is(tok::r_paren);
> ```
> So I would say most of the logic there is **very** parsing specific, and 
> requires information that is only available during the parsing descent, and 
> not later when someone tries to consume a `const AST`.
@aaron.ballman There is a `bugprone-unused-return-value` since mid 2018, in 
which the matched function set is configurable with a hardcoded default, and 
the matching logic is also... verbose.

 | Source ]]

auto UnusedInIfStmt =
      ifStmt(eachOf(hasThen(MatchedCallExpr), hasElse(MatchedCallExpr)));
  auto UnusedInWhileStmt = whileStmt(hasBody(MatchedCallExpr));
  auto UnusedInDoStmt = doStmt(hasBody(MatchedCallExpr));

Agreed, this is seemingly a subset of the inverse match.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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