steplong added a comment.

In D126984#3574077 <>, @aeubanks wrote:

> In D126984#3574046 <>, @aaron.ballman 
> wrote:
>> In D126984#3571573 <>, @aeubanks 
>> wrote:
>>> IIRC in the past there was a strong preference to not have the pass manager 
>>> support this sort of thing
>>> if you want to support this, there should be an RFC for how the 
>>> optimization part of this will work as it may require invasive changes to 
>>> the LLVM pass manager
>>> (if this is purely a clang frontend thing then ignore me)
>> Hmm, does the pass manager have to support anything here? The only Clang 
>> codegen changes are for emitting IR attributes that we already emitted based 
>> on command line flags/other attributes, so I had the impression this would 
>> not be invasive for the backend at all.
> if we're allowing individual functions to specify that they want the `-O1` 
> pipeline when everything else in the module should be compiled with `-O2`, 
> that's a huge change in the pass manager. but perhaps I'm misunderstanding 
> the point of this patch

That makes sense. The MSVC pragma allows 4 options, "stgy":

| Parameter | On                                                                
                                          | Off                                 
| --------- | 
| g         | Deprecated                                                        
                                          | Deprecated                          
| s         | Add MinSize                                                       
                                          | Remove MinSize (I think this would 
be difficult to do if -Os is passed on the cmdline) |
| t         | Add -O2 (We can't support -O2 with this attribute so ignore)      
                                          | Add Optnone                         
| y         | Add frame-pointers (We can't support -f arguments with the 
attribute in this patch so we are ignoring this) | No frame-pointers (Same 
thing as on)                                                   |

For our use case, I think we only really see `#pragma optimize("", off)` and 
`#pragma optimize("", on)`, so I'm not opposed to abandoning this patch and 
just supporting the common use case for now. I think `#pragma optimize("", on)` 
would just mean do nothing and apply whatever is on the command line and 
`#pragma optimize("", off)` would mean add optnone to the functions below it

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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