erichkeane added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/AST/Decl.h:1944-1948
+  /// For non-templates this value will be NULL, unless this non-template
+  /// function declaration was declared directly inside of a function template,
+  /// in which case this will have a pointer to a FunctionDecl, stored in the
+  /// NamedDecl. For function declarations that describe a function template,
+  /// this will be a pointer to a FunctionTemplateDecl, stored in the 
ChuanqiXu wrote:
> erichkeane wrote:
> > ChuanqiXu wrote:
> > > Could we give a new abstract like `XXXInfo` to replace `NamedDecl*` here? 
> > > The NamedDecl* covers a lot of things. It looks more consistent.
> > All of those 'Info' types contain significantly more information, which we 
> > really don't have a need for here.  Basically all this patch is doing is 
> > using the FunctionTemplateDecl* that was already in the list and 
> > generalizing it a bit.  AND unfortunately, the only commonality between 
> > FunctionTemplateDecl and FunctionDecl is NamedDecl.  
> > 
> > So any type we would use would end up causing an additional allocation 
> > here, and make its use require us to unpack it :/
> > 
> > I guess what I'm saying, is I'm not sure what that would look like in a way 
> > that wouldn't make this worse.  Do you have an idea you could share that 
> > would improve that?  
> > 
> > 
> My idea would be something like:
> ```C++
> llvm::PointerUnion<FunctionDecl *, FunctionTemplateDecl*, 
> MemberSpecializationInfo *,
>                      FunctionTemplateSpecializationInfo *,
> ```
> > So any type we would use would end up causing an additional allocation 
> > here, and make its use require us to unpack it :/
> This is a union so it wouldn't cause additional allocations?
I tried doing FunctionDecl and FunctionTemplateDecl at one point, but we endd 
up running out of bits for the pointer-union to work on 32 bit builds.  
Otherwise I would have done that.

I misunderstood the 'Info' thing and thought you wanted a new wrapper type (an 
'Info' type), which would need to be allocated and contain just a pointer, 
which is why I was thinking about needing allocations.


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