aaronpuchert added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/docs/ThreadSafetyAnalysis.rst:935
+    // Same as constructors, but without tag types. (Requires C++17 copy 
+    static MutexLocker Lock(Mutex *mu) ACQUIRE(mu) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
+      return MutexLocker(mu);
The `NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS` here is due to a false positive warning because 
the scope is not destructed in the function body. Maybe we should postpone 
documentation until this is resolved.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/ThreadSafetyTIL.h:653-654
   typename C::CType compare(const LiteralPtr* E, C& Cmp) const {
+    if (!Cvdecl || !E->Cvdecl)
+      return Cmp.comparePointers(this, E);
     return Cmp.comparePointers(Cvdecl, E->Cvdecl);
For placeholders we're comparing identity.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/ThreadSafetyTraverse.h:629
+    else
+      SS << "<temporary>";
Perhaps no warning will ever print this, but I'm not entirely sure.

Comment at: clang/lib/Analysis/ThreadSafety.cpp:1223
     // Variables defined in a function are always inaccessible.
-    if (!VD->isDefinedOutsideFunctionOrMethod())
+    if (!VD || !VD->isDefinedOutsideFunctionOrMethod())
       return false;
Placeholders are always local variables.

Comment at: clang/lib/Analysis/ThreadSafety.cpp:1538
   FactSet FSet;
+  SmallVector<ConstructedObject, 2> ConstructedObjects;
   LocalVariableMap::Context LVarCtx;
This is essentially an `std::map<const Expr *, til::LiteralPtr *>`, but since 
it only keeps objects between construction and assignment to a variable or 
temporary destruction, I thought that a small vector would be more appropriate. 
However, there is no guarantee that this doesn't grow in size significantly: 
temporaries with trivial destructors (which don't show up in the CFG) would 
never be removed from this list. That's unlikely for properly annotated scopes, 
but not impossible.

Comment at: clang/lib/Analysis/ThreadSafety.cpp:1791-1793
+      std::pair<til::LiteralPtr *, StringRef> Placeholder =
+          Analyzer->SxBuilder.createThisPlaceholder(Exp);
+      ConstructedObjects.push_back(ConstructedObject{Exp, Placeholder.first});
In case you're wondering why we need this for records with 
`ScopedLockableAttr`: otherwise we get failures in `SelfConstructorTest`:

class SelfLock {
  ~SelfLock() UNLOCK_FUNCTION(mu_);


  Mutex mu_;

void test() {
  SelfLock s;

For `s.foo()` we need `s.mu`, and to see that we've acquired this we need to 
plugin `s` for the placeholder that we used for construction, although 
`SelfLock` is not a scoped lockable.

Though we could restrict this to functions that have actual thread safety 
attributes (instead of other attributes).

Comment at: clang/lib/Analysis/ThreadSafety.cpp:2123-2135
+void BuildLockset::VisitMaterializeTemporaryExpr(
+    const MaterializeTemporaryExpr *Exp) {
+  if (const ValueDecl *ExtD = Exp->getExtendingDecl()) {
+    auto Object = llvm::find_if(
+        ConstructedObjects,
+        [E = UnpackConstruction(Exp->getSubExpr())](
+            const ConstructedObject &CS) { return CS.ConstructExpr == E; });
This is not strictly required, but it enables the `lifetime_extension` test 
below. It could also be a separate change, but having it here demonstrates that 
the approach can handle this case as well.

Comment at: clang/lib/Analysis/ThreadSafety.cpp:2421-2439
+        case CFGElement::TemporaryDtor: {
+          CFGTemporaryDtor TD = BI.castAs<CFGTemporaryDtor>();
+          // Clean up constructed object even if there are no attributes to
+          // keep the number of objects in limbo as small as possible.
+          auto Object = llvm::find_if(
+              LocksetBuilder.ConstructedObjects,
Scopes as temporaries are probably unusual, but as the `temporary` test 
demonstrates they could be useful. In any event, if we recognize acquisition 
via `CXXConstructExpr`s not contained in a `DeclStmt`, we should probably also 
remove locks when they disappear again.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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