hokein added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Protocol.h:1782
   unsigned endCharacter;
-  std::string kind;
+  FoldingRangeKind kind;
sorry for not being clear on my previous comment, I think the current `string 
kind;` is good, and it aligns with the LSP one.

what I suggest was adding string literals to FoldingRange, something like

struct FoldingRange {
  const static llvm::StringLiteral REGION_KIND;
  const static llvm::StringLiteral COMMENT_KIND;
  const static llvm::StringLiteral IMPORT_KIND;
  // other fields keep as-is.
we're diverging from the LSP structure. 

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/SemanticSelection.cpp:232
+    while (T != Tokens.end() && T->Kind == tok::comment &&
+           LastComment->Line == T->Line + 1) {
+      LastComment = T;
this seems incorrect -- the ` LastComment->Line == T->Line + 1` condition is 
not true initially (because `LastComment == T`), so we will never run into this 
loop, then I'm confused, why the unittest are passed (premerge test is green).

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/SemanticSelectionTests.cpp:351
+        int c;
+        [[// A comment 
+        // expanding more than
usaxena95 wrote:
> hokein wrote:
> > For this case, my personal preference would be to have 3 different 
> > foldings, rather than a union one.
> > 
> > If you think about cases like below, it makes more sense to have individual 
> > folding per comment.
> > 
> > ```
> > /* comment 1
> > */
> > 
> > /* comment 2
> > */
> > ```
> > 
> > ```
> > /* comment 1
> > */
> > 
> > // comment 2
> > ```
> In the cases mentioned, I think these comments would be about the same 
> context. If I want to fold (possibly long) comments with interleaved new 
> lines, I would be interested in folding all the related comments to look at 
> the code clearly.
> In the cases mentioned, I think these comments would be about the same 
> context.

I'm not sure this is true. I could image a case like below, these comments are 
not about the same context. I think for cases where these comments are about 
the same context, they are generally separated by `// <blankline>` rather than 

btw, Kirill has a patch (https://reviews.llvm.org/D83914) for proposed folding 
behaviors, see the comments part (which seems reasonable to me). 

//===-- This is a file comment ------------------------------------------===//
// ...

// This is a doc comment of `foo` class
class Foo {};

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