iains added a comment.

In D130864#3693022 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D130864#3693022>, @ChuanqiXu wrote:

> In D130864#3693019 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D130864#3693019>, @ilya-biryukov 
> wrote:
>> Thanks for working on this. I have a few major concerns here:
>> - Do we know that it's a bottleneck in practice? E.g. if the module name 
>> have different sizes, comparing strings is actually fast. If the module 
>> names are short, we are also in a pretty good situation. Having some 
>> benchmarks numbers would help to quantify whether the change is needed.
> No, we don't know it is a bottleneck in practice. (Currently there shouldn't 
> be many users for C++20 Modules). The reason to do this is that we (Iain and 
> me) feel bad to compare string frequently. Benchmarks would be good but I am 
> afraid I can't. Since there are not enough existing benchmarks and it looks 
> costful to construct the meaningful benchmarks. Let's not make the perfect to 
> be the enemy of better.

We do not have benchmarks, it is true - initially, it seemed that the problem 
would be confined to the case of checking for the parent of a module partition 
which would be no concern - since it is one check per TU).   However, in later 
parts of the implementation it has become necessary to check when merging or 
comparing individual decls - and that is a concern.

>> - `llvm::hash_value` is not a crypto hash, so we should expect collisions 
>> from it. OTOH, doing an extra string comparison when hashes match defeats 
>> the purpose of this optimization. Collisions are rare, but if someone hits 
>> one after the compiler is released there are literally no workarounds.  
>> Instead we can use `llvm::SHA1` or `llvm::SHA256`. (possibly truncated to 
>> 128 bits? it's hard to tell how much this is needed without benchmarks.)
>> - Why not store the hash directly inside `Module` and compute it on 
>> construction after setting name? If we want these comparisons to be fast, we 
>> probably want to avoid even the overhead of hash table access.
> Good idea. Will try to do.

if the string is stored locally to the Module, then would it not be sufficient 
to compare the address?



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