aaron.ballman added a comment.

In D131386#3722849 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D131386#3722849>, @aaron.ballman 

> In D131386#3722822 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D131386#3722822>, @njames93 
> wrote:
>> In D131386#3722749 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D131386#3722749>, 
>> @aaron.ballman wrote:
>>> We leave formatting decisions in clang-tidy to clang-format and I don't 
>>> think we should deviate from that policy here without a very clear 
>>> understanding of when we should relax that restriction. That said, I'm 
>>> personally not certain we should have such an option (the long-term goal 
>>> has generally been to integrate clang-format functionality into clang-tidy 
>>> so there can be an option to just run format after applying fixes in a TU). 
>>> Is there a compelling reason we should have it?
>> The reason for this is due to the issue that `QualifierAlignment`  is a non 
>> whitespace only change and clang-format lists that using it could break some 
>> code.
> Yes, and the community decided that risk was reasonable for clang-format.
>> In light of this some users may wish to set the option to `QAS_Leave` to be 
>> sure no code is broken even though they would prefer a specific style. 
>> Therefore having a dedicated option in the check will let those users 
>> specify the style, without having to set a clang-format configuration which 
>> they aren't content in using.
> When we decided that clang-format was allowed to break code, we also decided 
> that any time it does so on real world code is considered a bug and is 
> something we should work to fix. So I'm not in favor of this change; if 
> clang-tidy uncovers a bug in clang-format, that should be fixed in 
> clang-format rather than worked around in clang-tidy. And if clang-tidy can't 
> trust clang-format to be production quality, that's something we should 
> address with the clang-format folks as a serious concern that needs a plan of 
> action. But I don't think introducing formatting options into clang-tidy is a 
> road we want to go down.

I suppose another way to look at it is: clang-format options that are 
considered dangerous (comes with a warning as QualifierAlignment does in 
https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormatStyleOptions.html) are things clang-tidy 
checks with fixes could have options for. However, that gets awkward when 
clang-format finds a way to remove that warning; then clang-tidy is left 
supporting formatting options that it shouldn't have (but removing those 
options can break people's .clang-tidy config files), so I'm not certain I like 
that approach any better.

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