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Comment at: clang-tools-extra/CODE_OWNERS.TXT:8
+beautification by scripts.  The fields are: name (N), email (E), Phabricator
+handle (H), and description (D).
xazax.hun wrote:
> As LLVM is officially hosted on GitHub now, I wonder whether a new field 
> should be introduced for GitHub handles. This can be also handy to assign 
> bugs to people, and in the future, add reviewers to PRs. But feel free to 
> ignore this for now.
FWIW, I thought of that as well and I think it's a great idea if/when we switch 
to GitHub PRs. But for the moment, I worry that putting GH handles might 
implicitly encourage people to try filing a GH PR instead of Phab and I didn't 
want new folks to get frustrated by that. But once we're closer to switching 
(or starting to trial GH PR alongside Phab reviews), I definitely think we 
should add GitHub handles here (and if/when we drop Phab, we can drop the phab 
handles at that time).

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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