dongjunduo added a comment.

In D131469#3775741 <>, @MaskRay wrote:

> I appreciate the detailed summary. It has sufficient information but I think 
> it can be rephased to be conciser.
> I request changes for the verbosity and the possibly functionality issue.
>> We can use -ftime-trace or -ftime-trace=<path> to switch on the TimeProfiler.
> "We can use" can be omitted => "-ftime-trace or -ftime-trace=<path> enables 
> ..."
>> The source files should be compiled into object files (.o) by clang, and 
>> then linked into executable file by the linker.
> This is basic knowledge and can be removed.
>   "-ftime-trace or -ftime-trace=<path> enables ..."
>> Where to store for now?
> If we want a detailed description, the whole paragraph is really something 
> which should go to
> Then, this patch summary (commit message) can just refer to it.
> ---
> I'd delete everything and keep just
> `-ftime-trace` and `-ftime-trace=<path>` enable the TimeProfiler.
> When Clang does compile and link actions in one command and `-ftime-trace` is 
> used, the JSON file currently goes to a temporary directory, e.g.
>   $ clang++ -ftime-trace -o main.out /demo/main.cpp
>   $ ls .
>   main.out
>   $ ls /tmp/
>   main-[random-string].json
> The JSON file location is undesired. This patch changes the location based on 
> the specified ...
> ---
> What if an input file and the output is in directories, e.g.
>   % myclang -ftime-trace a/a.c -o b/a; ls *.json
>   a-a7cffa.json
> Does the patch achieve what it intends to do?

Nice idea. I have simplified the related description. : )

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