AntonBikineev added a comment.

In D134456#3809581 <>, @aaron.ballman 

> I'm on the fence about this... the attributes were added as optimization 
> hints, but for somewhat interesting use cases. The obvious one of "I think 
> this path is likely/unlikely and so I'll help the compiler figure it out" was 
> one such use case, but honestly that's akin to `inline` and `register` in 
> terms of how likely it is the user will make a better decision than the 
> optimizer. But the more interesting use case was "The optimizer is going to 
> consider this to be the unlikely path, but I need it to be optimized because 
> I need my failure code to fail as fast as possible". Basically, some folks 
> wanted to use this to override the otherwise-reasonable decisions from the 
> optimizer. Based on that, I'm not certain we should let PGO win -- the user 
> is telling you "optimize based on something I know more about than you", and 
> having a profile that covers the code path doesn't necessarily change that. 

I don't think that the second case is how things works today. PGO is still 
preferred over the attributes. However, the current behavior is somewhat 

- if the probability is infinitesimal (e.g. 0.00001%), the compiler will ignore 
the attribute,
- if the probability is zero (the branch never hit in the profile), the 
compiler will consider the attribute.

Comment at: clang/lib/CodeGen/CGStmt.cpp:815
   // Prefer the PGO based weights over the likelihood attribute.
   // When the build isn't optimized the metadata isn't used, so don't generate
rnk wrote:
> I lean towards implementing the intended behavior reflected in this comment 
> here, which is that PGO data overrides programmer annotations in case of 
> conflict. We should also check the PGO docs to see if this is documented. If 
> we've already made promises about how this is supposed to work, I'd prefer to 
> trust our past decisions rather than revisiting them.
As Hans pointed out in a Chrome bug: the behaviour is documented here:
"These attributes have no effect on the generated code when using PGO 
(Profile-Guided Optimization) or at optimization level 0."

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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