hokein added a comment.

>> Meanwhile, I think besides evaluating the high level logic in in TokenLexer 
>> and how it might be improved, I think there's potentially an opportunity for 
>> a "AOS vs. SOA" speedup in SourceManager. 
>> SourceManager::LoadedSLocEntryTable is a 
>> llvm::SmallVector<SrcMgr::SLocEntry>. SourceManager::getFileIDLoaded only 
>> really cares about the SLocEntry's Offset. I suspect we could get major 
>> memory locality wins by packing those into a standalone vector so that we 
>> could search them faster.
> Ah, great point. SLocEntry is 24 bytes while Offset is only 4.

And SLocEntry costs 4 bytes for padding only, which is bad :(

> SLocEntry is an important public API, but Offset is ~only used in 
> SourceManager, so that refactoring might be doable. I guess we can cheaply 
> prototype by redundantly storing offset *both* in a separate array used for 
> search and in the SLocEntry.

This is an interesting idea. I got a quick prototype of adding an in-parallel 
offset table in SourceManager:

- clang::SourceManager::getFileIDLocal  2.45% -> 1.57% (reduce by 30%+)
- SourceManager memory usage is increased by ~10%:  `SemaExpr.cpp` 12.6MB -> 

The improvement of `getFileIDLocal` seems promising, but the memory 
increasement is a thing (10% is not small, maybe it is ok compared the actual 
AST size).

An alternative is to restructure the SLocEntry and the underlying storage in 
SourceManager, it will give us both performance and memory improvement, but we 
need to make a significant change of the SourceManager.

> A build on a 72+ threaded workstation should only take ~1 minute. Can you 
> please give it a shot and let me know off-thread if you encounter any issues?

Thanks for writing down the instructions, it is useful. It works for me (on an 
intel-based workstation).




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