urnathan marked 2 inline comments as done.
urnathan added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticLexKinds.td:323
   "whitespace recommended after macro name">;
+def warn_include_cycle : Warning<"#include cycle">,
+   InGroup<DiagGroup<"include-cycle">>, DefaultIgnore;
aaron.ballman wrote:
> This diagnostic doesn't really seem like it's going to help the user to know 
> what's wrong with their code or how to fix it. (Also, the notes @erichkeane 
> was hoping were emitted don't seem to be, at least according to the new test 
> cases.) I think we need to give users a bit more guidance here.
The test infrastructire ignores the 'included from ' chain, which is emitted.  
What do you suggest?

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticLexKinds.td:324
+def warn_include_cycle : Warning<"#include cycle">,
+   InGroup<DiagGroup<"include-cycle">>, DefaultIgnore;
aaron.ballman wrote:
> We have a reasonable amount of evidence that off-by-default warnings remain 
> off for basically everyone. Can we do anything to enable this diagnostic by 
> default? e.g., would it make sense to enable it by default when trying to 
> build a module but otherwise silence it?
That's probably a good idea -- I didnt want to put it unconditionally on, 
because it triggers all over the testsuite due to intentional self-inclusion

Comment at: clang/lib/Lex/PPLexerChange.cpp:107
+  if (const FileEntry *FE = SourceMgr.getFileEntryForID(FID)) {
+    auto [I, Added] = ActiveIncludedFiles.insert(FE);
+    if (!Added)
erichkeane wrote:
> The iterator is somewhat costly (at least 2 pointers?) and since we're not 
> accessing them, copying them into the structured binding object probably 
> isn't valuable?  
I'd be very disappointed it the optimizer can't see through that and elide the 
copies here. (but I had misremembered how  structured bindings are not 
references to the temporary by default anyway)



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