isuckatcs added a comment.

I've found a strange scenario.

The following conversions are allowed

  double *a[2][3];
  double const * const (*ap)[3] = a; // OK
  double * const (*ap1)[] = a;       // OK since C++20

However if the same conversion is supposed to be performed in a `catch()` 
statement, it's not happening and the thrown object is not caught.
See it on godbolt <>.

Quoteing cppreference <>:

  When an exception is thrown by any statement in compound-statement, the 
exception object of type E is matched against the types of the formal 
parameters T of each catch-clause in handler-seq, in the order in which the 
catch clauses are listed. The exception is a match if any of the following is 
  - T is (possibly cv-qualified) U or const U& (since C++14), and U is a 
pointer or pointer to member type, and E is also a pointer or pointer to member 
type that is implicitly convertible to U by one or more of
    - a standard pointer conversion other than one to a private, protected, or 
ambiguous base class
    - **a qualification conversion**
    - a function pointer conversion (since C++17)

Checking the quality conversion related part of cppreference 
 lists the examples I quoted before as performable conversions.


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