ChuanqiXu added a comment.

In D134267#3892629 <>, @ben.boeckel 

> In D134267#3876071 <>, @dblaikie 
> wrote:
>> I'm getting a bit exhausted with all the words involved here & not sure how 
>> to simplify/clarify this.
>> If @ben.boeckel has particular use cases, it might be easier for him to be 
>> here discussing them so we can discuss the tradeoffs directly rather than 
>> through intermediaries.
> Sorry, I've been lax on actually keeping up-to-date on all of these Clang 
> threads.
> The current state is that CMake's test suite for C++ modules does not work 
> with clang because it doesn't provide the control CMake needs to do its 
> explicit builds. @ChuanqiXu's MyP1689 branch is close except that the `.pcm` 
> output path can't seem to be controlled closely enough for reliable builds. 
> Namely, I would like:
> - the ability to disable the module cache (completely); CMake doesn't need 
> nor want it
> - the ability to say put the generated `.pcm` that this TU will generate goes 
> *here*
> The latter is currently a juggle of flags and restrictions that I haven't 
> been able to figure out. Without something like `-fmodule-output-path=`, 
> convincing Clang to output its `.pcm` file to where CMake wants it to be is 
> some combination of `-fmodules-cache-path=` and `-fmodule-name=` while hoping 
> that the internal path computation inside of Clang makes what CMake wants. 
> It's just far easier to have something like `-o` that gives the answer 
> straight away.
> For the former, I use `-x c++module` as well so that I don't have to care 
> about any extension-sniffing behaviors. I also need to give a bogus 
> `-fmodule-cache-path=` for module consumers because as soon as `import` is 
> seen, it wants to run off to look at the cache instead of noticing that 
> there's a `-fmodule-file=` for everything it needs already and the cache is 
> 100% unused.

BTW, the bogus `-fmodule-cache-path=` for module consumers can be addressed by 
the existing `-fprebuilt-module-path`. And I sent the new revisions in D137058 
<> and D137059 


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