benlangmuir created this revision.
benlangmuir added a reviewer: jansvoboda11.
Herald added a project: All.
benlangmuir requested review of this revision.
Herald added a project: clang.
Herald added a subscriber: cfe-commits.

Use the name "as requested" for the path of the implemented module's modulemap 
file, just as we do for other modulemap file paths. This fixes fatal errors 
with modules where we tried to find framework headers relative to the wrong 
directory when imported by an implementation file of the same module.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


Index: clang/test/ClangScanDeps/modules-implementation-vfs.m
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/ClangScanDeps/modules-implementation-vfs.m
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+// Ensure we get the virtual module map path for a module whose implementation
+// file we are compiling.
+// RUN: rm -rf %t
+// RUN: split-file %s %t
+//--- real/A.modulemap
+framework module A { umbrella header "A.h" }
+//--- real/A.private.modulemap
+framework module A_Private { umbrella header "A_Private.h" }
+//--- frameworks/A.framework/Headers/A.h
+struct A { int x; };
+//--- frameworks/A.framework/PrivateHeaders/A_Private.h
+#import <A/A.h>
+//--- frameworks/B.framework/Headers/B.h
+#import <A/A.h>
+//--- frameworks/B.framework/Modules/module.modulemap
+framework module B { umbrella header "B.h" }
+//--- overlay.json.template
+  "case-sensitive": "false",
+  "version": 0,
+  "roots": [
+    {
+      "external-contents": "DIR/real/A.modulemap",
+      "name": "DIR/frameworks/A.framework/Modules/module.modulemap",
+      "type": "file"
+    },
+    {
+      "external-contents": "DIR/real/A.private.modulemap",
+      "name": "DIR/frameworks/A.framework/Modules/module.private.modulemap",
+      "type": "file"
+    },
+  ]
+//--- cdb.json.template
+  "file": "DIR/tu1.m",
+  "directory": "DIR",
+  "command": "clang -fmodules -fmodules-cache-path=DIR/cache -fmodule-name=A -ivfsoverlay DIR/overlay.json -F DIR/frameworks -fsyntax-only DIR/tu1.m"
+  "file": "DIR/tu2.m",
+  "directory": "DIR",
+  "command": "clang -fmodules -fmodules-cache-path=DIR/cache -fmodule-name=A -ivfsoverlay DIR/overlay.json -F DIR/frameworks -fsyntax-only DIR/tu2.m"
+  "file": "DIR/tu3.m",
+  "directory": "DIR",
+  "command": "clang -fmodules -fmodules-cache-path=DIR/cache -fmodule-name=A -ivfsoverlay DIR/overlay.json -F DIR/frameworks -fsyntax-only DIR/tu3.m"
+//--- tu1.m
+#import <A/A.h>
+//--- tu2.m
+#import <A/A_Private.h>
+//--- tu3.m
+#import <B/B.h>
+struct A { float x; }; // expected-error {{incompatible definitions}} expected-note {{type 'float' here}}
+// expected-note@frameworks/A.framework/Headers/A.h:1 {{type 'int' here}}
+// RUN: sed -e "s|DIR|%/t|g" %t/cdb.json.template > %t/cdb.json
+// RUN: sed -e "s|DIR|%/t|g" %t/overlay.json.template > %t/overlay.json
+// RUN: clang-scan-deps -compilation-database %t/cdb.json -format experimental-full -j 1 > %t/result.json
+// RUN: cat %t/result.json | sed 's:\\\\\?:/:g' | FileCheck %s -DPREFIX=%/t
+// CHECK:      {
+// CHECK:        "modules": [
+// CHECK:          {
+// CHECK:            "clang-module-deps": []
+// CHECK:            "command-line": [
+// CHECK:              "-x"
+// CHECK-NEXT:         "objective-c"
+// CHECK-NEXT:         "[[PREFIX]]/frameworks/A.framework/Modules/module.modulemap"
+// CHECK:            ]
+// CHECK:            "name": "A"
+// CHECK:          }
+// CHECK:          {
+// CHECK:            "clang-module-deps": [
+// CHECK:              {
+// CHECK:                "module-name": "A"
+// CHECK:              }
+// CHECK:            ]
+// CHECK:            "command-line": [
+// CHECK:              "-fmodule-map-file=[[PREFIX]]/frameworks/A.framework/Modules/module.modulemap",
+// CHECK:              "-x"
+// CHECK-NEXT:         "objective-c"
+// CHECK-NEXT:         "[[PREFIX]]/frameworks/B.framework/Modules/module.modulemap"
+// CHECK:            ]
+// CHECK:            "name": "B"
+// CHECK:          }
+// CHECK:        "translation-units": [
+// CHECK-NEXT:     {
+// CHECK-NEXT:       "commands": [
+// CHECK:              {
+// CHECK:                "command-line": [
+// CHECK:                  "-fmodule-map-file=[[PREFIX]]/frameworks/A.framework/Modules/module.modulemap"
+// CHECK:                  "-fmodule-name=A"
+// CHECK:                ],
+// CHECK:                "input-file": "[[PREFIX]]/tu1.m"
+// CHECK-NEXT:         }
+// CHECK:            ]
+// CHECK:          }
+// CHECK-NEXT:     {
+// CHECK-NEXT:       "commands": [
+// CHECK:              {
+// CHECK:                "command-line": [
+// CHECK:                  "-fmodule-map-file=[[PREFIX]]/frameworks/A.framework/Modules/module.modulemap"
+// CHECK:                  "-fmodule-name=A"
+// CHECK:                ],
+// CHECK:                "input-file": "[[PREFIX]]/tu2.m"
+// CHECK-NEXT:         }
+// CHECK:            ]
+// CHECK:          }
+// CHECK-NEXT:     {
+// CHECK-NEXT:       "commands": [
+// CHECK:              {
+// CHECK:                "clang-module-deps": [
+// CHECK:                  {
+// CHECK:                    "module-name": "B"
+// CHECK:                  }
+// CHECK:                ]
+// CHECK:                "command-line": [
+// CHECK:                  "-fmodule-map-file=[[PREFIX]]/frameworks/A.framework/Modules/module.modulemap"
+// CHECK:                  "-fmodule-map-file=[[PREFIX]]/frameworks/B.framework/Modules/module.modulemap"
+// CHECK:                  "-fmodule-name=A"
+// CHECK:                ],
+// CHECK:                "input-file": "[[PREFIX]]/tu3.m"
+// CHECK-NEXT:         }
+// CHECK:            ]
+// CHECK:          }
+// RUN: %deps-to-rsp %t/result.json --tu-index=0 > %t/tu1.rsp
+// RUN: %clang @%t/tu1.rsp
+// RUN: %deps-to-rsp %t/result.json --tu-index=1 > %t/tu2.rsp
+// RUN: %clang @%t/tu2.rsp
+// RUN: %deps-to-rsp %t/result.json --module-name A > %t/A.rsp
+// RUN: %deps-to-rsp %t/result.json --module-name B > %t/B.rsp
+// RUN: %deps-to-rsp %t/result.json --tu-index=2 > %t/tu3.rsp
+// RUN: %clang @%t/A.rsp
+// RUN: %clang @%t/B.rsp
+// RUN: %clang @%t/tu3.rsp -verify
Index: clang/lib/Tooling/DependencyScanning/ModuleDepCollector.cpp
--- clang/lib/Tooling/DependencyScanning/ModuleDepCollector.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Tooling/DependencyScanning/ModuleDepCollector.cpp
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
-            CurrentModuleMap->getName());
+            CurrentModuleMap->getNameAsRequested());
     SmallVector<ModuleID> DirectDeps;
     for (const auto &KV : ModularDeps)
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