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Closed by commit rG8bb54da5da31: Allow getRawCommentForDecl to find comments in 
macros (authored by danakj, committed by gribozavr).

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



Index: clang/test/Index/annotate-comments-objc.m
--- clang/test/Index/annotate-comments-objc.m
+++ clang/test/Index/annotate-comments-objc.m
@@ -48,17 +48,31 @@
 // attach unrelated comments in the following cases where tag decls are
 // embedded in declarators.
+#define DECLARE_FUNCTIONS(suffix) \
+    /** functionFromMacro IS_DOXYGEN_SINGLE */ \
     void functionFromMacro(void) { \
       typedef struct Struct_notdoxy Struct_notdoxy; \
+    } \
+    /** functionFromMacroWithSuffix IS_DOXYGEN_SINGLE */ \
+    void functionFromMacro##suffix(void) { \
+      typedef struct Struct_notdoxy Struct_notdoxy; \
 /// typedef_isdoxy1 IS_DOXYGEN_SINGLE
 typedef struct Struct_notdoxy *typedef_isdoxy1;
+#define DECLARE_ENUMS(name) \
+  /** enumFromMacro IS_DOXYGEN_SINGLE */ \
+  enum enumFromMacro { A }; \
+  /** namedEnumFromMacro IS_DOXYGEN_SINGLE */ \
+  enum name { B };
 // RUN: rm -rf %t
@@ -121,5 +135,8 @@
 // CHECK: annotate-comments-objc.m:43:22: EnumDecl=An_NS_ENUM_isdoxy1:{{.*}} An_NS_ENUM_isdoxy1 IS_DOXYGEN_SINGLE
 // CHECK: annotate-comments-objc.m:43:22: TypedefDecl=An_NS_ENUM_isdoxy1:{{.*}} An_NS_ENUM_isdoxy1 IS_DOXYGEN_SINGLE
 // CHECK: annotate-comments-objc.m:43:22: EnumDecl=An_NS_ENUM_isdoxy1:{{.*}} An_NS_ENUM_isdoxy1 IS_DOXYGEN_SINGLE
-// CHECK: annotate-comments-objc.m:60:32: TypedefDecl=typedef_isdoxy1:{{.*}} typedef_isdoxy1 IS_DOXYGEN_SINGLE
+// CHECK: annotate-comments-objc.m:62:1: FunctionDecl=functionFromMacro:{{.*}} BriefComment=[functionFromMacro IS_DOXYGEN_SINGLE]
+// CHECK: annotate-comments-objc.m:62:1: FunctionDecl=functionFromMacroWithSuffix:{{.*}} BriefComment=[functionFromMacroWithSuffix IS_DOXYGEN_SINGLE]
+// CHECK: annotate-comments-objc.m:65:32: TypedefDecl=typedef_isdoxy1:{{.*}} typedef_isdoxy1 IS_DOXYGEN_SINGLE
+// CHECK: annotate-comments-objc.m:74:1: EnumDecl=enumFromMacro:{{.*}} BriefComment=[enumFromMacro IS_DOXYGEN_SINGLE]
+// CHECK: annotate-comments-objc.m:74:15: EnumDecl=namedEnumFromMacro:{{.*}} BriefComment=[namedEnumFromMacro IS_DOXYGEN_SINGLE]
Index: clang/lib/AST/ASTContext.cpp
--- clang/lib/AST/ASTContext.cpp
+++ clang/lib/AST/ASTContext.cpp
@@ -181,22 +181,96 @@
   const SourceLocation DeclLoc = D->getLocation();
   if (DeclLoc.isMacroID()) {
-    if (isa<TypedefDecl>(D)) {
-      // If location of the typedef name is in a macro, it is because being
-      // declared via a macro. Try using declaration's starting location as
-      // the "declaration location".
-      return D->getBeginLoc();
-    }
-    if (const auto *TD = dyn_cast<TagDecl>(D)) {
-      // If location of the tag decl is inside a macro, but the spelling of
-      // the tag name comes from a macro argument, it looks like a special
-      // macro like NS_ENUM is being used to define the tag decl.  In that
-      // case, adjust the source location to the expansion loc so that we can
-      // attach the comment to the tag decl.
-      if (SourceMgr.isMacroArgExpansion(DeclLoc) && TD->isCompleteDefinition())
-        return SourceMgr.getExpansionLoc(DeclLoc);
+    // There are (at least) three types of macros we care about here.
+    //
+    // 1. Macros that are used in the definition of a type outside the macro,
+    //    with a comment attached at the macro call site.
+    //    ```
+    //    #define MAKE_NAME(Foo) Name##Foo
+    //
+    //    /// Comment is here, where we use the macro.
+    //    struct MAKE_NAME(Foo) {
+    //        int a;
+    //        int b;
+    //    };
+    //    ```
+    // 2. Macros that define whole things along with the comment.
+    //    ```
+    //    #define MAKE_METHOD(name) \
+    //      /** Comment is here, inside the macro. */ \
+    //      void name() {}
+    //
+    //    struct S {
+    //      MAKE_METHOD(f)
+    //    }
+    //    ```
+    // 3. Macros that both declare a type and name a decl outside the macro.
+    //    ```
+    //    /// Comment is here, where we use the macro.
+    //    typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, Size) {
+    //        SizeWidth,
+    //        SizeHeight
+    //    };
+    //    ```
+    //    In this case NS_ENUM declares am enum type, and uses the same name for
+    //    the typedef declaration that appears outside the macro. The comment
+    //    here should be applied to both declarations inside and outside the
+    //    macro.
+    //
+    // We have found a Decl name that comes from inside a macro, but
+    // Decl::getLocation() returns the place where the macro is being called.
+    // If the declaration (and not just the name) resides inside the macro,
+    // then we want to map Decl::getLocation() into the macro to where the
+    // declaration and its attached comment (if any) were written.
+    //
+    // This mapping into the macro is done by mapping the location to its
+    // spelling location, however even if the declaration is inside a macro,
+    // the name's spelling can come from a macro argument (case 2 above). In
+    // this case mapping the location to the spelling location finds the
+    // argument's position (at `f` in MAKE_METHOD(`f`) above), which is not
+    // where the declaration and its comment are located.
+    //
+    // To avoid this issue, we make use of Decl::getBeginLocation() instead.
+    // While the declaration's position is where the name is written, the
+    // comment is always attached to the begining of the declaration, not to
+    // the name.
+    //
+    // In the first case, the begin location of the decl is outside the macro,
+    // at the location of `typedef`. This is where the comment is found as
+    // well. The begin location is not inside a macro, so it's spelling
+    // location is the same.
+    //
+    // In the second case, the begin location of the decl is the call to the
+    // macro, at `MAKE_METHOD`. However its spelling location is inside the
+    // the macro at the location of `void`. This is where the comment is found
+    // again.
+    //
+    // In the third case, there's no correct single behaviour. We want to use
+    // the comment outside the macro for the definition that's inside the macro.
+    // There is also a definition outside the macro, and we want the comment to
+    // apply to both. The cases we care about here is NS_ENUM() and
+    // NS_OPTIONS(). In general, if an enum is defined inside a macro, we should
+    // try to find the comment there.
+    // This is handling case 3 for NS_ENUM() and NS_OPTIONS(), which define
+    // enum types inside the macro.
+    if (isa<EnumDecl>(D)) {
+      SourceLocation MacroCallLoc = SourceMgr.getExpansionLoc(DeclLoc);
+      if (auto BufferRef =
+              SourceMgr.getBufferOrNone(SourceMgr.getFileID(MacroCallLoc));
+          BufferRef.has_value()) {
+        llvm::StringRef buffer = BufferRef->getBuffer().substr(
+            SourceMgr.getFileOffset(MacroCallLoc));
+        if (buffer.starts_with("NS_ENUM(") ||
+            buffer.starts_with("NS_OPTIONS(")) {
+          // We want to use the comment on the call to NS_ENUM and NS_OPTIONS
+          // macros for the types defined inside the macros, which is at the
+          // expansion location.
+          return MacroCallLoc;
+        }
+      }
+    return SourceMgr.getSpellingLoc(D->getBeginLoc());
   return DeclLoc;
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