benlangmuir added inline comments.

Comment at: 
+/// Dependency scanner callbacks that are used during scanning to influence the
+/// behaviour of the scan - for example, to customize the scanned invocations.
+class DependencyActions {
jansvoboda11 wrote:
> What do the downstream callbacks do? The class name sounds a bit generic for 
> something you can call `lookupModuleOutput()` on, but maybe that's the right 
> name with more context. It's also very similar to the existing 
> `DependencyScanningAction`.
They are callbacks that modify the ScanInstance itself, or one of the 
CompilerInvocations being constructed (either for the TU or for module 
dependencies).  In practice, we use this to add caching support - modifying 
invocations to use inputs from a CAS. I chose "actions" based on the fact they 
are acting on the scanner/invocations, rather than simply consuming the 
information.  While lookupModuleOutput does not directly modify the invcation, 
it does indirectly via the ModuleDepCollector incorporating its results into 
the invocation.  If you're interested, here are our downstream callbacks that I 
would move into this interface:

RE: DependencyScanningAction: I agree it's not ideal that these names are 
"close".  On the other hand, they're not too likely to be confused in practice 
since they have very different roles -- the DependencyScanningAction is not 
exposed to clients, and it's a tooling action not something you use to control 
the scan.  We also have other "actions" like the FrontendAction we create, 
which again have a different role.

Happy to consider suggestions for a better name!

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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