dkrupp added a comment.

@steakhal, @NoQ

thanks for your reviews.

Please note that I am not extending `TaintBugVisitor`. On the contrary I 
removed it.
Instead I use NoteTag to generate the "Taint Originated here" text (see 

I can also add additional NoteTags for generating propagation messages "Taint 
was propagated here" easily.

> The challenging part with note tags is how do you figure out whether your bug 
> report is taint-related.

I solved this by checking if the report is an instance of `TaintBugReport` a 
new BugReport type, which should be used by all taint related reports 
(ArrayBoundCheckerV2 checker and divisionbyzero checker 
was changed to use this new report type for taint related reports).

The tricky part was is to how to show only that single "Taint originated here" 
note tag at the taint source only which is relevant to the report. This is done 
by remembering the unique flowid in the
NoteTag in the forward analysis direction (see GenericTaintChecker:cpp:859) 
`InjectionTag = createTaintOriginTag(C, TaintFlowId);` and then filtering out 
the irrelevant 
NoteTags when the the report is generated (when the lamdba callback is called). 
See that flowid which reaches the sink is backpropagated in the 
PathSensitiveBugreport (see GenericTaintCHekcer.cpp:167).

FlowIds are unique and increased at every taint source 
(GenericTaintChecker:869) and it is stored as an additional simple `int` in the 
program state along with the already existing (Taint.cpp:22) TaintTagType.

My fear with the interestingness is that it may propagating backwards according 
to different "rules" than whot the taintedness is popagating in the foward 
direction even with the "extensions" pointed out by steakhal.
So the two types of propagation may be or can get out of sync.

So if the above is not a concern and you think implementing this with 
interestingness is more elegant, idiomatic and causes less maintenance burden, 
I am happy to create an alternative patch with that solution.


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