aaron.ballman added a comment.

Please keep in mind that I don't have a lot of expertise in modules, but this 
sure seems like a module merging bug from what I can tell, and it might even 
relate to work happening in D145737 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D145737> (CC 
@rsmith). That patch does not seem to address this issue, but what I'm seeing 
when I try to debug this is a bit confusing to me:

In the reproducer from Sam, there are three lambdas: 
`create::Create<R>([] {});` in `main.cpp`, but this does not participate in AST 
merging because it's within the main source file
`BuildWidget<T>([dummy](Widget<T>*) {});` in `create.h`
`create::Create<float>([] {});` in `instantiate_create.h`
(While `wrap_create.h` includes `create.h`, it never instantiates the template 
and so should not produce an additional lambda)

So I would expect `ASTDeclReader::ReadCXXDefinitionData()` to find three 
lambdas, but it finds *four*. The first lambda it reads has no captures, so 
this is presumably the one in `instantiate_create.h`. The next three all have 
captures. So where's that fourth lambda coming from?

The reason I think this relates is because 
`LocalInstantiationScope::findInstantiationOf()` seems to think there's one 
declaration in the local scope, but the argument passed to the function is not 
the one found, which suggest to me there's a module merging issue and we wind 
up hitting our favorite assert.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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