hokein added a comment.

The only thing is the source location, see my comments for details, otherwise 
looks good in general.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/misc/IncludeCleanerCheck.cpp:116
+  }
+  walkUsed(MainFileDecls, RecordedPreprocessor.MacroReferences, &RecordedPI,
+           *SM,
it is sad that we duplicate the include-cleaner analyse implementation (the 
only difference is that here we record the references for missing-includes), I 
think we should find a way to share the code in the future.

No action required in this patch, can you add a FIXME? 

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/misc/IncludeCleanerCheck.cpp:194
+    diag(Inc.SymRefLocation, "no header providing %0 is directly included")
+        << Spelling
I think we should use the spelling location -- `Inc.SymRefLocation` can be a 
macro location which can points to another file, we intend to show diagnostics 
for main-file only, and walkUsed has some internal logic which guarantees that 
the spelling loc of returned refs is main-file.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/misc/IncludeCleanerCheck.cpp:88
+    SourceLocation Loc = D->getLocation();
+    if (!SM->isWrittenInMainFile(SM->getSpellingLoc(Loc)))
+      continue;
VitaNuo wrote:
> hokein wrote:
> > We should use the `getExpansionLoc` rather than the `SpellingLoc` here, 
> > otherwise we might miss the case like `TEST_F(WalkUsedTest, 
> > MultipleProviders) {... }` where the decl location is spelled in another 
> > file, but the function body is spelled in main-file.
> > 
> > we should actually use FileLoc of the decl location here (i.e. map it back 
> > to spelling location) as the decl might be introduced by a macro expansion, 
> > but if the spelling of "primary" location belongs to the main file we 
> > should still analyze it (e.g. decls introduced via `TEST` macros)
> > we actually want spelling location, not fileloc
> > sorry for the confusion
> > basically, spelling location will always map to where a name is spelled in 
> > a          > physical file, even if it's part of macro body
> > whereas getFileLoc, will map tokens from macro body to their expansion 
> > locations (i.e. place in a physical file where the macro is invoked)
> These are earlier comments from Kadir on this topic. AFAIU we want the 
> spelling location for `TEST_F(WalkUsedTest, MultipleProviders) {... }` 
> because:
> - for Decls introduced by the `TEST_F` expansion, we would like to analyze 
> them only if they are spelled in the main file.
> - for arguments, their transitive spelling location is where they're written. 
> So if `TEST_F(WalkUsedTest, MultipleProviders) {... }` is written in the main 
> file, the argument locations will be counted.
I think I'm not convinced, see my comments below.

> for Decls introduced by the TEST_F expansion, we would like to analyze them 
> only if they are spelled in the main file.

I think it is true for some cases. For example, a function decl has different 
parts (declarator, and function body), if the declarator is introduced by a 
macro which defined in a header, and the function body is spelled in the 
main-file, we still want to analyze the function body, see a simple example 

// foo.h
#define DECLARE(X) void X()

// main.cpp
#include "foo.h"

DECLARE(myfunc) {
   int a;

Moreover, we have use `ExpansionLoc` pattern in other places when we collect 
the main-file top-level decl 
 and I don't see a special reason to change the pattern in the clang-tidy check.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/misc/IncludeCleanerCheck.h:21
+#include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearch.h"
+#include "clang/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Regex.h"
can you cleanup the includes here? looks like there are some unused-includes 
now, at least `Syntax/Tokens.h` from the first glance.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/docs/clang-tidy/checks/misc/include-cleaner.rst:4
nit: remove extra trailing `==`

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/unittests/clang-tidy/IncludeCleanerTest.cpp:1
+//===--- IncludeCleanerCheck.cpp - clang-tidy 
nit: IncludeCleanerTest.cpp

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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