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In D151761#4394758 <>, @MyDeveloperDay 

> did you consider a case where the case falls through? (i.e. no return)
>   "case log::info :    return \"info\";\n"
>   "case log::warning :\n"
>   "default :           return \"default\";\n"

That's a great point.  I didn't really consider this, and currently this 
particular case won't align the case statements if they have an empty case 
block, however if you had some tokens (e.g. `// fallthrough`) it would.  It's 
not immediately clear to me what the expectation would be.  I guess to align as 
if there was an invisible trailing token, but it's a bit awkward if the cases 
missing a body are the 'long' cases that push out the alignment.  Also, I don't 
think it's possible to use `AlignTokens` and get this behavior, as there is no 
token on those lines to align, so it's not straightforward to handle.  I guess 
I'll be curious to see if there is feedback or cases where this behavior is 
desired, and if so, I can look into adding that functionality later.  Since 
right now it would involve a completely custom AlignTokens clone, my preference 
would be to just leave this as not supported.


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