jdenny added a comment.

In D154130#4502036 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D154130#4502036>, @MrTrillian 

> In D154130#4487292 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D154130#4487292>, @jdenny wrote:
>> 3. Extend lit's own test suite to cover it.
> I submitted an update with your suggestions #1 and #2 but this #3 is much 
> more difficult because of the nature of `%{t:real}`.

Thanks for doing that. I'll try to review more carefully soon, hopefully early 
next week.

> I'm not sure I can have a source/target path that includes symlinks in a way 
> that allows me to test this, and even more so with substitute drives since we 
> can't know which drive letters are unallocated.

Not being a windows person, it's hard for me to answer about substitute drives, 
but I understand your concern.

One possible approach is to verify the relationships among the various flavors 
of a substitution (e.g., `%t`, `%{t:real}`, etc.), and hope (or ensure) that 
some CI configs that run check-lit will use substitute drives for the source 
and/or build directory.  The tests should pass regardless.

A less desirable approach is just to do minimal sanity checks, such as checking 
that the base file name is the same across all flavors of a substitution.

Of course, the least desirable approach is to depend on other subprojects' test 
suites to catch lit bugs.  It's easier for lit developers to identify lit bugs 
when check-lit itself shows them, preferably locally but possibly in CI.

Thanks for taking a look at this.



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