xazax.hun added inline comments.

Comment at: 
+/// This function is primarily intended for use by checks that set custom
+/// properties on `StructValue`s to model the state of these values. Such 
+/// should avoid modifying the properties of an existing `StructValue` because
+/// these changes would be visible to other `Environment`s that share the same
+/// `StructValue`. Instead, call `refreshStructValue()`, then set the 
+/// on the new `StructValue` that it returns. Typical usage:
mboehme wrote:
> xazax.hun wrote:
> > I think this is fine for now, but I wonder if we should come up with an API 
> > where errors like this cannot happen. One potential way would be to no 
> > longer include these properties in the `StructValue`s, but have a separate 
> > mapping `StructValue => Properties`. So, one can update the mapping in an 
> > environment without any unintended consequences in other environments. 
> > I think this is fine for now, but I wonder if we should come up with an API 
> > where errors like this cannot happen.
> Thanks for bringing this up.
> I agree that this needs more improvement in the future. The underlying issue 
> is that `StructValue` isn't really a very useful concept.
> `Value` works great for scalar values, where we do actually treat it as the 
> immutable value that it's intended to be. Attaching properties to values 
> makes a lot of sense in this context: If we're modelling a property of an 
> immutable value, then that property is presumably itself immutable.
> However, the `Value` concept has never worked well for structs / records 
> because, when we mutate fields, we don't update the `StructValue`. We could 
> try to change this, but I don't think this would be worth it because 
> `StructValue` isn't a useful concept in C++ anyway. As the value categories 
> RFC discusses, prvalues of class type are a very niche concept in C++. The 
> only thing you can do with them is to initialize a result object -- you can't 
> otherwise perform any operations on them (i.e. access member variables or 
> call member functions). This has been part of the motivation for reducing 
> their importance as part of the value categories work.
> I think we should continue down that path and, ultimately, maybe eliminate 
> `StructValue` entirely. So while introducing a mapping `StructValue => 
> Properties` would be a good option, I think an even better one would be to 
> start attaching properties to `AggregateStorageLocation`s instead of 
> `StructValue`s. Because `AggregateStorageLocation`s are in essence, mutable, 
> the mapping of `AggregateStorageLocation`s to property values would need to 
> be reflected in the `Environment` in some form. I think a natural way to do 
> this would be to model properties in a similar way to fields: An 
> `AggregateStorageLocation` would have a mapping `PropertyName => 
> StorageLocation`, and the values of the properties would then be tracked 
> through the existing `StorageLocation => Value` mapping in the environment.
> Benefits:
> - As already noted, this makes properties on `AggregateStorageLocation`s very 
> similar to fields, which is what they are typically used to model
> - If a particular analysis needs a storage location for a property, we 
> already have one. For example, UncheckedOptionalAccessModel.cpp currently 
> models the "value" property as a `PointerValue` so that it has a 
> `StorageLocation` that it can use as the return value of `optional::value()`. 
> Under the approach I'm proposing, the storage location would be available 
> from the framework, and the model for a specific analysis wouldn't have to do 
> anything extra.
> - We don't need any additional logic for joins / widening; the existing join 
> / widening logic for the `StorageLocation => Value` mapping would also handle 
> properties.
> So this is where I think we can go in the future, and I agree that 
> `refreshStructValue()` should only be a stopgap as we evolve the framework.
This sounds great, thanks!

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