cor3ntin added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Basic/TokenKinds.h:87-93
+/// Return true if this token is a predefined macro
+/// unexpandable by MSVC preprocessor.
+inline bool isUnexpandableMsMacro(TokenKind K) {
+  return K == tok::kw___FUNCTION__ || K == tok::kw___FUNCSIG__ ||
+         K == tok::kw_L__FUNCTION__ || K == tok::kw_L__FUNCSIG__ ||
+         K == tok::kw___FUNCDNAME__;
tahonermann wrote:
> RIscRIpt wrote:
> > tahonermann wrote:
> > > 
> > Thanks, I like the name. But shouldn't we reflect that we are referring to 
> > only Microsoft (unexpandable) macros? How about 
> > `isFunctionLocalPredefinedMsMacro`?
> I don't think the Microsoft association is meaningful. Sure, some of the 
> predefined macros are only treated differently when compiling in Microsoft 
> mode, but some of those macros aren't Microsoft specific. Also, there might 
> be macros provided by other implementations that we'll want to emulate some 
> day.
I think it is, there is currently no way to link 
`isFunctionLocalPredefinedMacro` to the MS feature. "MSPredefinedMacro" is 
pretty self explanatory, same reason we most often - but not always - use GNU 
in the name of function related to GNU extensions.
There are enough similar-sounding features and extensions that we should try to 
make it clear which feature we are talking about.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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