tahonermann added a comment.

A couple of observations with regard to compatibility:

gcc,, at least by default, emits the TC implementations as local functions, the 
resolver as a weak global function, and the undecorated name as an ifunc. When 
only a TC declaration (not a definition) is present, gcc still emits the 
resolver and ifunc, but a failure then occurs at line time since the 
implementation symbols referenced by the resolver function cannot be resolved 
to the local symbols emitted for a TU with the TC definitions. I can only guess 
that this is intentional; that inter-TU calls are intended to be dispatched via 
the ifunc+resolver and that TC use is therefore restricted to TUs that have 
definitions. Clang, at least by default, emits the TC implementations as global 
functions that can be resolved for direct reference by other TUs. This could be 
seen as potentially exposing implementation details (e.g., the author of the TC 
functions might reserve the right to change the list of targets without 
worrying about breaking usage by other TUs.

For TUs that only have a declaration of the function without TC, it will be 
necessary to recompile the TUs that define TC functions no matter what. This is 
because the calling TU (that has neither a declaration nor a definition of the 
function with TC applied) cannot know to dispatch to the ifunc+resolver and 
cannot provide a definition for the undecorated function name (not even an 
alias since it doesn't know to do so).



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