carlosgalvezp wrote:

Being totally unfamiliar with the code, I have a feeling that we shouldn't be 
fixing in the `analyze` function. `analyze` has 1 single responsibility: wrap 
`analyzeImpl` in order to add cacheability for performance reasons, and it does 
so simply and well, and it does exactly what one would expect - no more no less.

However, the real problem is that `analyzeImpl` ultimately might end up calling 
itself, via `analyzeUnresolvedOrDefaulted -> analyzeRecord -> analyze -> 
analyzeImpl` (IIRC). This is not obvious due to how the code is written, and 
this patch would make it even less obvious IMO. 

In that sense I believe it would make sense to ensure no recursion happens 
somewhere in the chain I described above, not in `analyze`. WDYT?
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