modiking wrote:

> Yes there are tradeoffs to doing this purely with whole program class 
> hierarchy analysis vs with profiled type info, and in fact they can be 
> complementary. For example, the profile info can indicate what order to do 
> the vtable comparisons (i.e. descending order of hotness, as we do for vfunc 
> comparisons in current ICP), while WP CHA can be used to determine when no 
> fallback is required. Also, another advantage of doing this with profiling is 
> also that it does not require WP visibility, which may be difficult to 
> guarantee.

Gotcha, that makes sense. Are there plans on your side to extend this level of 
value profiling/WP CHA to AutoFDO? I'm looking into trying out the WP CHA 
approach on my side since it looks like there are cases it can catch in our 
internal workloads.
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