@@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ ArrayRef<TargetInfo::GCCRegAlias> 
PPCTargetInfo::getGCCRegAliases() const {
 // PPC ELFABIv2 DWARF Definitoin "Table 2.26. Mappings of Common Registers".
 // vs0 ~ vs31 is mapping to 32 - 63,
 // vs32 ~ vs63 is mapping to 77 - 108.
chenzheng1030 wrote:

This is what I get from DWARF spec:

Note that the register number represents a DWARF specific mapping of numbers 
onto the actual registers of a given architecture. The mapping should be chosen 
to gain optimal density and should be shared by all users of a given 
architecture. It is recommended that this mapping be defined by the ABI 
authoring committee for each architecture.

To me, the DWARF number should be architecture specific, i.e., although the 
ABIs are different, all these ABIs on same architecture should use same DWARF 
register mapping, because the hardware registers are bound to architecture?

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