rjmccall wrote:

> @efriedma-quic Cool. So it sounds like it's worth parking this for now, until 
> Kuba's work #71986 is merged?
> @rjmccall I'm not 100% sure I understand? The existing code in AVR.cpp 
> handles the standard AVR ABI, which has a few simple rules based on GCC 
> behaviour. Here we are effectively just passing on the handling for that to 
> `AVRABIInfo`. The error in register thing, I just copied what ARM is doing. I 
> figure that's OK for now. If we need to do some bugfixes later to get AVR 
> working with errors then we'll take a look then probably. Is that reasonable?

`SwiftABIInfo` exists so that targets can tweak more details than just whether 
to use `swifterror`.  For example, you can change the conditions under which 
we'll try to return things in registers, and if you don't do that, IIRC Swift 
will try to return quite a few things in registers by default.  I'm just saying 
that you should make sure that that matches with your backend — either your 
backend needs to make sure that it returns a type like `{ ptr, ptr, float, 
float }` in registers for `swiftcc` or you should tweak the frontend so that it 
knows to return it directly.

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