david-xl wrote:

> @david-xl , Zequan posted an 
> [RFC](https://discourse.llvm.org/t/rfc-add-binary-profile-correlation-to-not-load-profile-metadata-sections-into-memory-at-runtime/74565/8)
>  for this. Is there a PGO tag, or something we can use to increase visibility 
> for PGO reviewers? I think most of the complexity for this new mode is in the 
> PGO code, so I think the best person to review it would be someone with an 
> interest in PGO.
> I'll tag some folks, but let me know if there is a better way: @kparzysz 
> @snehasish

I am aware of this patch and it mostly look good to me. Since there is a long 
list of reviewers attached to this PR, better give more time for them to chime 
in.  I am quite busy early part of this week, but will try to give it another 
round by the end of the week if no one else beats me to it.

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