vsk added a comment.

Thanks for your feedback so far, and sorry for the delayed response.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D25448#570014, @rjmccall wrote:

> Wait, can you talk me through the bug here?

Derived inherits from Base1 and Base2. We upcast an instance of Derived to 
Base2, then call a method (f1). Clang figures out that the method has to be 
Derived::f1. Next, clang passes in a pointer to the vtable pointer for 
**Base1**, along with the typeinfo for **Base2**, into the sanitizer runtime. 
This confuses the runtime, which reports that the dynamic type of the object is 
"Base1", and that this does not match the expected type ("Base2").

With the 'final' keyword:

  %6 = ptrtoint <2 x i32 (...)**>* %1 to i64
  call void @__ubsan_handle_dynamic_type_cache_miss(@1 (TypeInfo for Base2), 
i64 %6, ...)

Without the 'final' keyword:

  %6 = bitcast <2 x i32 (...)**>* %1 to %class.Derived*
  %7 = getelementptr inbounds %class.Derived, %class.Derived* %6, i64 0, i32 1
  %8 = ptrtoint %class.Base2* %7 to i64, !nosanitize !5
  call void @__ubsan_handle_dynamic_type_cache_miss(@1 (TypeInfo for Base2), 
i64 %8, ...)

>   Why is final-based devirtualization here different from, say, user-directed 
> devirtualization via a qualified method name?

I'm not sure. I tested this by removing the 'final' specifier from 'Derived' 
and calling:


In this case, clang passes the correct typeinfo (for Derived) in to the runtime.

> It sounds to me from your description that you're not sure why this is 
> happening.  If this indeed only triggers in the presence of multiple 
> inheritance, it might just be the case that you're doing your object-extents 
> analysis starting from the wrong offset.

It looks like I just haven't done a good job of explaining the issue. The bug 
really does seem to be that clang isn't passing the right information to the 
ubsan runtime. However, I'm not sure what the right fix is. Do we disable 
sanitization in cases where we expect FP's, do we try harder to pass in the 
right vptr (in this case, the vptr for Base2) into the runtime, or do we try 
harder to pass in the right typeinfo (in this case, the typeinfo for Derived)?


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