@@ -318,17 +396,87 @@ static Messages getTaintMsgs(const SubRegion *Region, 
const char *OffsetName) {
                   RegName, OffsetName)};
-void ArrayBoundCheckerV2::performCheck(const Expr *E, CheckerContext &C) const 
-  // NOTE: Instead of using ProgramState::assumeInBound(), we are prototyping
-  // some new logic here that reasons directly about memory region extents.
-  // Once that logic is more mature, we can bring it back to assumeInBound()
-  // for all clients to use.
-  //
-  // The algorithm we are using here for bounds checking is to see if the
-  // memory access is within the extent of the base region.  Since we
-  // have some flexibility in defining the base region, we can achieve
-  // various levels of conservatism in our buffer overflow checking.
+const NoteTag *StateUpdateReporter::createNoteTag(CheckerContext &C) const {
+  // Don't create a note tag if we didn't assume anything:
+  if (!AssumedNonNegative && !AssumedUpperBound)
+    return nullptr;
+  return C.getNoteTag(
+      [*this](PathSensitiveBugReport &BR) -> std::string {
+        return getMessage(BR);
+      },
+      /*isPrunable=*/false);
+std::string StateUpdateReporter::getMessage(PathSensitiveBugReport &BR) const {
+  bool ShouldReportNonNegative = AssumedNonNegative;
+  if (!providesInformationAboutInteresting(ByteOffsetVal, BR)) {
+    if (AssumedUpperBound &&
+        providesInformationAboutInteresting(*AssumedUpperBound, BR))
+      ShouldReportNonNegative = false;
+    else
+      return "";
+  }
+  std::optional<int64_t> OffsetN = getConcreteValue(ByteOffsetVal);
+  std::optional<int64_t> ExtentN = getConcreteValue(AssumedUpperBound);
+  const bool UseIndex =
+      ElementSize && tryDividePair(OffsetN, ExtentN, *ElementSize);
+  SmallString<256> Buf;
+  llvm::raw_svector_ostream Out(Buf);
+  Out << "Assuming ";
+  if (UseIndex) {
+    Out << "index ";
+    if (OffsetN)
+      Out << "'" << OffsetN << "' ";
+  } else if (AssumedUpperBound) {
+    Out << "byte offset ";
+    if (OffsetN)
+      Out << "'" << OffsetN << "' ";
+  } else {
+    Out << "offset ";
+  }
+  Out << "is";
+  if (ShouldReportNonNegative) {
+    Out << " non-negative";
+  }
+  if (AssumedUpperBound) {
+    if (ShouldReportNonNegative)
+      Out << " and";
+    Out << " less than ";
+    if (ExtentN)
+      Out << *ExtentN << ", ";
+    if (UseIndex && ElementType)
+      Out << "the number of '" << ElementType->getAsString()
+          << "' elements in ";
+    else
+      Out << "the extent of ";
+    Out << getRegionName(Reg);
+  }
+  return std::string(Out.str());
+bool StateUpdateReporter::providesInformationAboutInteresting(
+    SymbolRef Sym, PathSensitiveBugReport &BR) {
+  if (!Sym)
+    return false;
+  for (SymbolRef PartSym : Sym->symbols()) {
+    // The interestingess mark may appear on any layer as we're stripping off
+    // the SymIntExpr, UnarySymExpr etc. layers...
+    if (BR.isInteresting(PartSym))
+      return true;
steakhal wrote:

This loop has a side effect of marking some (only the first) subsymbols as 
It feels arbitrary that it only marks the first one, because the order among 
the subsymbols is not defined, this separately handling only the first one 
appears to be a bug to me.
It would be nice to craft a test to demonstrate this.

Why not just flip a flag and keep applying the side effect for the rest of the 
symbols and return the value of the flag?

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