Artem-B wrote:

> the idea is that it would be the desired effect if someone went out of their 
> way to do this GPU subset linking thing.

That would only be true when someone owns the whole build. That will not be the 
case in practice. A large enough project is usually a bunch of libraries 
created by different teams and vendors. They may or may not be built together 
and how a particular library is built is often controlled by its owner and may 
not be visible to the end user. The owners may consider switching to device 
linking to be benign or irrelevant to the end users, but it will be observable 
by those upstream users.

Being aware of the quirks introduced by device linking will be required for the 
owners of those libraries. You do know how it all works under the hood. Pretty 
much nobody else on the planet does. :-)

Anyways. I think we're in agreement that we do need to document possible 
implications.  clang-linker-wrapper docs would do.
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