Artem-B wrote:

> Okay, `__nvvm_reflect` doesn't work fully here because the `nanosleep` 
> builtin I added requires `sm_70` at the clang level. Either means I'd need to 
> go back to inline assembly or remove that requirement at least from clang so 
> it's a backend failure.

The question is -- who's going to provide a fallback implementation for the 
nanosleepbuiltin for the older GPUs. I do not think it's LLVM's job, so 
constraining the builtin is appropriate. However, nothing stops you from 
providing your own implementation in libc using inline asm. Something along 
these lines:
__device__ void my_nanosleep(int N) {
  if (__nvvm_reflect(SM_70)) {
    asm volatile("nanosleep")
  } else {
     while(N--) {
        volatile asm("something unoptimizable")
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