@@ -1847,19 +1847,25 @@ floating point semantic models: precise (the default), 
strict, and fast.
    * ``16`` - Forces ``_Float16`` operations to be emitted without using excess
      precision arithmetic.
-.. option:: -fcx-limited-range:
-   This option enables the naive mathematical formulas for complex division and
-   multiplication with no NaN checking of results. The default is
-   ``-fno-cx-limited-range``, but this option is enabled by the ``-ffast-math``
-   option.
-.. option:: -fcx-fortran-rules:
-   This option enables the naive mathematical formulas for complex
-   multiplication and enables application of Smith's algorithm for complex
-   division. See SMITH, R. L. Algorithm 116: Complex division. Commun.
-   ACM 5, 8 (1962). The default is ``-fno-cx-fortran-rules``.
+.. option:: -fcomplex-arithmetic=<value>:
+   This option specifies the implementation for complex multiplication and 
+   Valid values are: ``limited``, ``smith``, ``full`` and ``extend``.
+   * ``limited`` Implementation of complex division and multiplication using
+     algebraic formulas at source precision. Overflow and non-finites values
+     are not handled.
+   * ``smith`` Implementation of complex division using the Smith algorithm at
+     source precision. Smith's algorithm for complex division.
+     See SMITH, R. L. Algorithm 116: Complex division. Commun. ACM 5, 8 (1962).
+     Overflow is handled.
andykaylor wrote:

There are some cases at the extreme end of the value range where overflow can 
still occur. I think this should say that it offers improved handling for 
overflow in intermediate calculations, but mention that overflow is still 
possible. We should also mention that this does not handle non-finite values in 
all cases.

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