urnathan wrote:

> On the LLVM side, there's very little interesting logic; it's basically just 
> walking the tree of metadata nodes generated by clang. See 
> https://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#tbaa-node-semantics . The hard part of the 
> refactoring would just be adding an abstraction for the underlying 
> information.

IIUC you're suggesting movint the TBAA data origination from CodeGen into 
(probably) Sema and/or TargetInfo and then deriving the LLVM info in CodeGen 
from that.  I.e. keep once source of truth, but move where it is?

I don't think it'd be that hard -- mostly mechanical. And I suspect only the 
scalar TBAA needs so moving, the structure-related stuff is sufficiently 
different to that strict-aliasing wants.

Although you don't explicitly say it, the implication is you'd be ameanable to 
such an approach?

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