bjope wrote:

Hi @jhuber6, @MaskRay 

We are having some problems with this patch on a server where the file 
/lib64/libomptarget-nvptx-sm_52.bc exists.
The test case that fails is clang/test/Driver/openmp-offload-gpu.c.

**Problem 1**
I think one problem is related to this check line
That test is using `env LIBRARY_PATH` but your changes in 
`tools::addOpenMPDeviceRTL` makes it prioritize the standard library paths 
before the environment. Not sure if that is how it should be or if env should 
have higher prio (i.e. added to LibraryPaths before the paths found in HostTC).

**Problem 2**
This check line also started failing:
`// CHK-BCLIB-WARN: no library 'libomptarget-nvptx-sm_52.bc' found in the 
default clang lib directory or in LIBRARY_PATH; use 
'--libomptarget-nvptx-bc-path' to specify nvptx bitcode library

Now, with your path, I guess it starts picking up the 
`/lib64/libomptarget-nvptx-sm_52.bc` file from the system. So we no longer get 
the warning. Is that the intention with your patch? Regardless, I think you 
need to do something with that test case because I think the "should never 
exist" part in
/// Check that the warning is thrown when the libomptarget bitcode library is 
not found.
/// Libomptarget requires sm_52 or newer so an sm_52 bitcode library should 
never exist.
no longer holds with your patch.
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