requested changes to this pull request.

Thanks for the PR!

At first I was hesitant if this checker is the right place for this API.
But actually, it should be fine to have it here.
Maybe the stdlibraryfunctionschecker would be a better place in long term, but 
I don't think that has DSL for buffer accesses, like we have here. Maybe 
@balazske has some opinion on this.

Anyways, I'd like to see tests for about any aspects of this API.
 - Under what conditions it writes to the buffer (aka. length > 0).
 - When can the checker issue a diagnostic (null buffer, small buffer)
 - What if `length` is symbolic and constrained to be really large (e.g. 
`length > 300`)
 - What if the `length` and the `buffer` is symbolic (unconstrained), did we 
infer that `length <= 256` after the call?
 - etc, could be more cases, but I only named what came in my mind.
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