kees wrote:

> Rather than have a `-f` flag to opt into this extension, I think instead you 
> should just make it always available, then have tests that it can be used, 
> but will trigger diagnostics under `-Wpedantic` since it's technically a 
> language extension (IIUC).

I didn't do this because it seemed like this would change a lot of existing 
test cases, and past attempts at landing extensions to the C Standard (or even 
changes to existing extensions) seemed to get a lot of push-back when they 
weren't opt-in. And specifically for this feature, I, too, would prefer this 
was enabled by default, but given that there are _three_ different ways Clang 
already communicates why it should be considered bad syntax, it didn't seem a 
politically viable solution. An explicit opt-in knob seems the safest way to go.
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