alexcrichton wrote:

> So the core module + metadata is kind of isomorphic with that 
> single-core-module-component?

Sort of and sort of not. At a high level you're correct, but at a technical 
level this isn't correct. The subtle differences are:

* Most wasm binaries today using WASI probably use `wasi_snapshot_preview1` 
imports. That means they need an "adapter" to switch to to WASIp2-based 
imports. That adapter is a core wasm which is currently baked into 
`wasm-component-ld` (see the adapters in [this 
* Due to the way components and lifting and lowering works many imports need a 
"shim". For example in the component model when you "lower" a function from a 
component function to a core function you need to specify a linear memory. A 
linear memory isn't available until you instantiate the core module, but the 
core module needs the lowered imports to be instantiated. To break this cycle 
we introduce a shim wasm module which uses `call_indirect` through a table for 
its exports, so that's used to pass in as imports when instantiating the main 
module, and then after the main module is instantiated we instantiate another 
shim module that fills in the table.

Going from core module + metadata into a component is a pretty nontrivial 
operation, so the raw output of `wasm-ld` (module + metadata) isn't suitable as 
an intermediate artifact for components. 

> I was more asking about whether the file types is accepts are anything more 
> than object files and libraries. i.e. can you pass other core modules and 
> have wasm-component-ld build a component that contains more than one core 
> module?

Ah sory I misunderstood! Currently wasm-component-ld takes no other inputs and 
it assumes everything goes into `wasm-ld`. In the future for the dynamic 
linking case above it may start taking in `*.wasm` binaries compiled as shared 
libraries to bundle and/or refer to in the output component, but that's in the 
future. That means that at this time wasm-component-ld will always build a 
component with a single "main module", e.g. the one from `wasm-ld`.

> Also, can you say more about the metadata that is being using to drive 
> wasm-componenet-ld? If the core module is all based on canonical ABI what 
> extra metdata is needed/planned?

Certainly! The canonical ABI gives the ability to say that for any component 
model function type it corresponds to a particular core wasm function type. 
That operation is not reversible, though, you can't go from core wasm back to 
the component model function type. Thus the metadata carries along this 
information. That way the componentization process draws a mapping from 
component model import/export to core wasm import/export and then can 
synthesize the right type in the component binary format.

The short answer to your question, though, is `wasm-tools component wit 
./my-wit-files --wasm`. That output blob, which is itself a component but only 
with type information, is embedded in core wasm. Put another way we start with 
WIT files, then those are converted into their binary format as a component 
with only types, that gets fed through LLVM/wasm-ld, then on the other end we 
deserialize the component-with-type-information, turn it back into WIT, and 
then make the real component.
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