aytey wrote:

> This my first PR against LLVM; does something like this need tests? I'm 100% 
> happy to add tests for this, but are there some examples of "good" 
> `clang-repl` tests I can learn from/extend from?

Maybe this is reasonable:

// REQUIRES: host-supports-jit, x86_64-linux
// UNSUPPORTED: system-aix
// RUN: rm -rf %t
// RUN: mkdir -p %t
// RUN: split-file %s %t
// RUN: cat %t/inline-asm.txt | clang-repl

//--- inline-asm.cpp
__asm(".globl _ZSt21ios_base_library_initv");
int x;

//--- inline-asm.txt
#include "inline-asm.cpp"
x = 10;

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