JustinStitt wrote:

> Adding attributes to types as type sugar (not part of the canonical type) is 
> generally problematic: non-canonical types are not reliably preserved 
> throughout the compiler, particularly in cases involving templates.

I see, here's an example that currently breaks my attribute (without any 
special handling):

typedef int __attribute__((wraps)) wrapping_int;

template <typename T>
void foo(T a) {
  ++a; // this will throw a sanitizer error because the generic method 
       // created for this templated type is generic

int main(void) {
  wrapping_int A = INT_MAX;

> Can we use a type qualifier here?

FWICT, qualifiers are extremely sparse with only a handful existing at all. 
Type.h +142:
/// The collection of all-type qualifiers we support.
/// Clang supports five independent qualifiers:
/// * C99: const, volatile, and restrict
/// * MS: __unaligned
/// * Embedded C (TR18037): address spaces
/// * Objective C: the GC attributes (none, weak, or strong)

Most if not all type qualifiers are strongly associated with how the storage 
memory of a type is handled. For the behavior needed out of `wraps`, I was 
thinking this kind of thing is typically done via an attribute. Something like 
[noderef](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/AttributeReference.html#noderef) is 
similar. You apply it to types which then adjusts Clang's handling of variables 
of that type.

If it comes down to it, we can make this attribute only available for C under 
``__attribute__(())`` or I can try to add support for templates to be made 
aware of specific type attributes.

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