ldionne wrote:

Thanks for the explanation, @AaronBallman . I think I am generally deeply 
confused about what should be provided by the compiler and what should be 
provided by the C Standard Library on any given platform. From your reply, it 
looks like there's no clear rule and Clang basically provides anything that 
seems "easy enough" to provide. I still don't understand how that works in case 
you do end up including a header from the platform that (re)defines 
`unreachable`, for example.

The same problem also applies today to e.g. `size_t` and anything else provided 
by the Clang builtin headers. If a platform decides to define `size_t` 
differently than what the Clang builtin headers define it to, I guess we run 
into issues? I assume it's not something that happens often because it's pretty 
unambiguous what these typedefs should be, but still.

Anyway, this might turn out to be nothing more than a documentation issue, but 
in any case I think it would be valuable to write down how this is intended to 
work somewhere (even if only in a comment), since I suspect it's not clear to 
most people. I work on the C++ Standard Library and I don't understand how this 
works in our own implementation :-)

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