mehdi_amini added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Sema/AnalysisBasedWarnings.cpp:530
+  // Don't need to mark Objective-C methods or blocks since the undefined
+  // behaviour optimization isn't used for them.
Quuxplusone wrote:
> This seems like a trap waiting to spring on someone, unless there's a 
> technical reason that methods and blocks cannot possibly use the same 
> optimization paths as regular functions. ("Nobody's gotten around to 
> implementing it yet" is the most obvious nontechnical reason for the current 
> difference.) Either way, I'd expect this patch to include test cases for both 
> methods and blocks, to verify that the behavior you expect is actually the 
> behavior that happens. Basically, it ought to have a regression test 
> targeting the regression that I'm predicting is going to spring on someone as 
> soon as they implement optimizations for methods and blocks.
> Also, one dumb question: what about C++ lambdas? are they FunctionDecls too? 
> test case?
> This seems like a trap waiting to spring on someone, unless there's a 
> technical reason that methods and blocks cannot possibly use the same 
> optimization paths as regular functions.

The optimization path in LLVM is the same. I think the difference lies in clang 
IRGen: there is no "unreachable" generated for these so the optimizer can't be 
aggressive. So this patch is not changing anything for Objective-C methods and 
blocks, and I expect that we *already* have a test that covers this behavior 
(if not we should add one).

Comment at: test/CodeGenCXX/return.cpp:21
+  // CHECK-NOSTRICT-NEXT: ret i32
Quuxplusone wrote:
> Can you explain why a load from an uninitialized stack location would be 
> *better* than a trap and/or `unreachable`? IIUC this is basically what Mehdi 
> is asking: i.e., can you explain the rationale for this patch, because I 
> don't get it either. It *seems* like a strict regression in code quality.
There is a difference. LLVM will optimize:

define i32 @foo() {
  %1 = alloca i32, align 4
  %2 = load i32, i32* %1, align 4
  ret i32 %2


define i32 @foo() {
  ret i32 undef

Which means "return an undefined value" (basically any valide bit-pattern for 
an i32). This is not undefined behavior if the caller does not use the value 
with a side-effect.

However with:

define i32 @foo() {

Just calling `foo()` is undefined behavior, even if the returned value isn't 

So what this patch does is actually making the compiled-code `safer` by 
inhibiting some optimizations based on this UB. 

Comment at: test/CodeGenCXX/return.cpp:35
+// CHECK-NOSTRICT:     @_Z21alwaysOptimizedReturn4Enum
+// CHECK-NOSTRICT-OPT: @_Z21alwaysOptimizedReturn4Enum
+int alwaysOptimizedReturn(Enum e) {
This should be `-LABEL` check lines. And instead of repeating 4 times the same 
check, you could add a common prefix.

Comment at: test/CodeGenCXX/return.cpp:47
Document what's going on in the tests please.


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