arsenm wrote:

> > (You can even place `.quad sym[0].hash; .long sym[0].size` in a section 
> > `SHF_LINK_ORDER` linking to the global variable for linker garbage 
> > collection.)
> > The runtime can build a map correlating hashes to sizes, which can be used 
> > to answer variable size queries.
> AMD language runtimes provide queries for the size of device global symbols 
> and functions to copy data to and from device global variables. Currently, 
> runtime gets the needed information form the ELF symbol sizes in the symbol 
> table. So, in #70166 We have come up with approach of adding two symbols (at 
> the same offset but with different sizes) for the same global, one symbol 
> which reports actual global size and other symbol which reports instrumented 
> size.

Have you looked into switching to the suggested approach of having a separately 
emitted field?
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